- John A. Carusi Middle School
- Gym Excuses
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- Gym Excuses
Gym Excuses
If your child requires a medical excuse as a result of an injury or illnes, please review the following guidelines.
*All notes should go to the nurse's office prior to reporting to PE that day. A copy will then be placed in the respective teacher's mailboxAND then it will be placed in the student's file to keep track of all excuses. The Health Office will keep the original note.
*A note from a parent will be accepted but only can be for 1 week and will be considered a Medical Excuse. Any medical issues requiring more time will require a note from a physician.
*Please have the physician be as specific as possible as to the limitations of the student.Any limitation that is unclear will be considered "NO PARTICIPATION until physician clears the confusion.
* Once medically excused , a written note must come from the physicain to allow the student to resume activities.If the note has a specified date that will serve as a time to return to activities.