Gifted and Talented
The Cherry Hill Public School District provides programs to maximize the instructional growth of all children. A talented and gifted program (TAG) serves students who have been identified by teachers, parents, and/or testing as academically gifted. Students who possess or demonstrate a high level of ability are offered opportunities to achieve their academic capabilities through the TAG Program in specific content areas. This program consists of:
Classroom Instruction (Grades Kindergarten to Five)—Elementary teachers have access to instructional resources that contain instructional adaptations and/or extensions intended to meet the needs of gifted children as part of the standard curriculum (Eligibility is based on teacher observation and past academic performance.);
Intervention and Enrichment Period (Grades First to Five)—Elementary teachers provide opportunities for academically gifted students to deepen their understanding of topics under study through self-directed research and skilled mentoring. These instructional adaptations allow students to demonstrate their academic capabilities in specific content areas. (Eligibility is based on teacher observation and past academic performance.); and
Weekly Targeted TAG Instruction (Grades Three to Five)—Academically gifted students work throughout the year on humanities, mathematics, and science units designed to nurture creativity and problem-solving outside of the classroom, under the direction of the library media specialist. TAG instructional units include appropriate curricular and instructional modifications used for gifted and talented students including content, process, products, and learning environment.
In grades 6-8, the needs of gifted learners will be met through the provision of individual opportunities for enrichment provided within the regular classroom. Gifted students may also enroll in upper-level mathematics courses, such as Algebra and Geometry. These instructional adaptations allow students to demonstrate their academic capabilities in specific content areas.
In grades 9-12, the Cherry Hill School District offers extensive opportunities for students to self-select accelerated academic programs, music, art, and other electives. Partnerships with local universities and colleges allow students to enroll in higher-level studies. As at other levels in the district, opportunities to differentiate instruction will present themselves in the regular classroom as well. These instructional adaptations allow students to demonstrate their academic capabilities in specific content areas.
CHPS Policies and Regulations on Gifted and Talented
Gifted and Talented Program Resources