The following Business Education “course clusters” concentrate on career possibilities, self-awareness, and subject content. Students gain skills and information essential to fulfill their college/career goals. Specific college/career-related issues are presented through motivating activities, such as guest speakers, business simulations, mentoring, internships and student organizations. Courses taken in the Business Education Department meet the New Jersey Learning Standards.
BUSINESS LAW: 10, 11, 12 2.5 credits
This course is designed to help students recognize and respond effectively to everyday legal problems in the business environment. Besides promoting a broad understanding of criminal and civil laws affecting business and giving insight into many aspects of juvenile law, this program specifically analyzes the law as applied in business contracts, insurance, property, consumer protection, and employment. Students enrolled in the Business Law class are eligible to become members of DECA.
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: 10, 11, 12 2.5 credits
This course is designed to give students a firm foundation in business operations and management. Students learn about the characteristics of business, marketing functions, principals of finance, leadership styles and the social, ethical, economic, and international environments in business. They also study the legal forms of business ownership and discuss and research current problems and topics in business management. Students practice the application of management techniques in problem solving and develop the managerial skills needed in leadership positions. Students enrolled in Business Management are eligible to become members of DECA.
INTERMEDIATE BUSINESS (Formerly Marketing Management I): 10, 11, 12 5 credits
A and H Levels
Preparation: Introduction to Business or Teacher Recommendation
This course is the first of two year-long courses; however, it may be taken independently if the prerequisite above is satisfied. The course serves to integrate skills and knowledge needed to be successful in our diverse global marketplace. Content includes business management, management strategies, legal forms of business ownership, business law and ethics, contract law, economics and the market economy, finance and accounting, analysis and use of financial records, business and interpersonal communications, and teamwork. Participation in DECA is integral to the course.
ADVANCED BUSINESS (Formerly Marketing Management II): 11, 12 5 credits
A and H Levels
Preparation: Intermediate Business (Marketing Management I)
Marketing Management II is a yearlong course. In the highly competitive global marketplace, students need integrated skills and knowledge to work in a diverse environment. This course will cover the following areas: Leadership, Financial Analysis, Corporate Governance, and Social Responsibility. Students in this course are expected to participate in DECA.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP: 11, 12 2.5 credits
Preparation: Introduction to Business or Teacher Recommendation
This is a semester course whose main focus is completing a business plan including: marketing research, analysis of the business opportunity, type of ownership, marketing plan, and a proposed financial plan. Students will learn the factors that a new business owner must consider, such as a study of demographics, legal requirements, financial considerations, and operational function. The business plan outline is designed to meet the requirements for the Entrepreneurship Participating Event for state competition at DECA.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS: 11, 12 2.5 credits
This course provides an understanding of the global marketplace and explains how businesses interact with each other. Topics include global telecommunications, intercultural communications, international trade, traveling around the world, and other relevant units that increase students' knowledge of today and of tomorrow's workplace. Students in this course are eligible to participate in DECA.
INTRO TO BUSINESS: 9, 10, 11, 12 2.5 credits
This course is a semester course designed as an introduction to the business world. Topics include the study of economic concepts and our global economy, entrepreneurship, social responsibility, marketing in today’s world, business ownership and operations, and technology in business. Students enrolled in Introduction to Business are eligible to become members of DECA.
FINANCIAL LITERACY: 11, 12 (Graduation Requirement) 2.5 credits All students will develop skills and strategies that promote personal and financial responsibility related to financial planning, savings, investment, and charitable giving in the global economy. Units include income and careers, money management, credit and debt management, planning, saving and investing, consumerism, and risk management and insurance. Students enrolled in this course are NOT eligible for DECA participation.
MARKETING EDUCATION: 10, 11, 12 5 credits
Preparation: Introduction to Business or Teacher Recommendation
This course gives the student the opportunity to focus on product promotion, creative advertisement and role-playing retail situations, researching problems and providing solutions. Other topics covered include career exploration, basic marketing concepts, the sales process, publicity and public relations, visual merchandising and display, and fashion merchandising. Students enrolled in this course are eligible to become members of DECA.
ADVANCED MARKETING: 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Intermediate Business (Marketing I), Marketing Education or Teacher Recommendation
This course gives students the opportunity to design a marketing research study, conduct market research, prepare a strategic plan, and analyze the findings and conclusions in a written and oral presentation. Students focus on interpersonal communication skills and the responsibilities of business to society at large in areas of environmentalism, consumerism, and business ethics. Students explore production, buying, distribution, and pricing strategies. This course is intended for students planning to enter college in business fields such as business administration, management, marketing, and finance. Work experience is not a course requirement. Students enrolled in Advanced Marketing are expected to participate in DECA.
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Intermediate Business (Marketing I), Marketing Education or Teacher Recommendation
This course is designed for students planning to major in business management, marketing, and/or sports and entertainment marketing at the postsecondary level. The concepts introduced in Marketing I will be used as a foundation in this industry-specific course. Students will apply marketing and management functions and tasks used in amateur or professional sports or sporting events, entertainment or entertainment events, selling or renting of supplies and equipment used for recreational or sporting purposes, products and services related to hobbies or cultural events, or business primarily engaged in satisfying the desire to make productive or enjoyable use of leisure time. Students enrolled in Sports and Entertainment Marketing will be eligible to become members of DECA.