Instrumental Ensembles |
Choir Ensembles |
Music Theory |
Freshman Wind Ensemble** |
Vocal Workshop |
Music Theory I |
Symphonic Band |
Concert Choir |
AP Music Theory |
Wind Ensemble |
Chansons |
Orchestra |
East -West Singers |
** Unique elective at East
EAST ORCHESTRA: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
Orchestra is for those students who play violin, viola, cello, or bass. These students will perform at concerts and will have a small group lesson on the rotating music schedule. The Orchestra wind and percussion players are members of the Wind Ensemble and rehearse separately during the Wind Ensemble period. It is, therefore, necessary for the full symphonic orchestra (strings, winds, percussion) to rehearse after school or evenings prior to a performance. Students will perform in concerts in and out of school. Grading is based on participation, lessons, testing, and rehearsal and concert attendance.
WEST ORCHESTRA: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
West Orchestra is open to any student in grades 9-12 who plays a string instrument (violin, viola, cello, string bass). NO AUDITION IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CLASS!
EAST WIND ENSEMBLE: 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of audition
These outstanding instrumentalists are chosen by audition to study and perform music literature that is scored for the wind ensemble idiom. The instrumentation is identical to that of a symphonic band, except that frequently there is only one player on the part. Students in this organization perform at assembly programs, concerts, recitals, and state festivals. A weekly small class ensemble is provided for students on a rotating schedule. Students will perform in concerts in and out of school. Grading is based on participation, lessons, testing and rehearsal and concert attendance.
WEST WIND ENSEMBLE: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of an audition for students in grades 9-12
Incoming freshmen can audition based on a recommendation from their middle school band director. If the student does not successfully complete the audition, they may still take the Symphonic Band class.
EAST SYMPHONIC BAND: 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of audition
Auditions for Symphonic Band are held annually. Students in this organization perform at assembly programs, concerts and recitals. A weekly small class ensemble is provided for students on the rotating music lesson schedule.
WEST SYMPHONIC BAND: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
The Symphonic Band at West is open to any interested student in grades 9-12 that has previous experience on a musical instrument (excluding guitar and piano). NO AUDITION IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CLASS! West Marching Band, Jazz Ensemble (audition required), Pit Orchestra (director recommendation), Wire Choir and Small Ensembles are co-curricular activities that meet after the regular school day.
VOCAL WORKSHOP: 9, 10, 11, 12 (Full year course) 5 credits
No audition is required to participate in this class.
Vocal Workshop is for men and women who enjoy singing for social as well as aesthetic reasons. A balanced variety of vocal repertoire is experienced, stressing vocal, choral and sight-reading techniques. Students will develop the knowledge and skills that strengthen their aesthetic musical awareness. They will develop the ability to evaluate and demonstrate an appreciation for, music as an art form, and music related careers. Students will develop an understanding of the potential for music in interdisciplinary relationship with all curricula. The students will receive a sectional lesson on the rotating music schedule. Vocal Workshop will perform at concerts in and outside of school. There will be at least one after school rehearsal prior to the major concerts. Grading is based on class participation, lessons, written work, vocal testing and rehearsal and concert attendance.
CHANSONS: 10, 11, 12 (Full year course) 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Audition and one-year high school choral experience
Chansons is a balanced group of mature soprano and alto voices. Octavos and major forms of the choral tradition for treble voices are studied, stressing vocal, choral and sight-reading techniques. Students will develop the knowledge and skills that strengthen their aesthetic musical awareness. They will develop the ability to evaluate and demonstrate an appreciation for, music as an art form, and music related careers. Students will develop an understanding of the potential for music in interdisciplinary relationship with all curricula. The students will receive a sectional lesson on the rotating music schedule. Chansons will perform at concerts in and outside of school. There will be at least one after school rehearsal prior to the major concerts. Grading is based on class participation, lessons, written work, vocal testing and rehearsal and concert attendance.
CONCERT CHOIR: 10, 11, 12 (Full year course) 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Audition and one-year high school choral experience
Concert Choir is a balanced group of men and women with developed voices. Octavos and major forms of the choral tradition are studied, stressing vocal, choral and sight-reading techniques. Students will develop the knowledge and skills that strengthen their aesthetic musical awareness. They will develop the ability to evaluate and demonstrate an appreciation for, music as an art form, and music related careers. Students will develop an understanding of the potential for music in interdisciplinary relationship with all curricula. The students will receive a sectional lesson on the rotating music schedule. Concert Choir will perform at concerts in and outside of school. There will be at least one after school rehearsal prior to the major concerts. Grading is based on class participation, lessons, written work, vocal testing and rehearsal and concert attendance.
EAST/WEST SINGERS: 10, 11, 12 (Full year course) 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Audition and one-year high school choral experience
Singers is a balanced group of men and women with the most highly developed voices. Octavos and major forms of the choral tradition are studied, stressing vocal, choral and sight-reading techniques. Students will develop the knowledge and skills that strengthen their aesthetic musical awareness. They will develop the ability to evaluate and demonstrate an appreciation for, music as an art form, and music related careers. Students will develop an understanding of the potential for music in interdisciplinary relationship with all curricula. The students will receive a sectional lesson on the rotating music schedule. Singers will perform at concerts in and outside of school. There will be at least one after school rehearsal prior to the major concerts. Grading is based on class participation, lessons, written work, vocal testing and rehearsal and concert attendance.
AP MUSIC THEORY: 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Music Theory I
The goal of AP Music Theory is to instill mastery of the basic elements of music and progress to creative tasks in composition, orchestration, harmonic analysis, and twentieth century compositional styles and techniques. AP students are encouraged to participate in the AP Music theory test. This class counts in weighted class rank.
MUSIC THEORY: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Should be able to read pitches and rhythms in treble or bass clefs
In this course, the student explores the basic elements of music theory and harmony. The student's ability to hear and interpret pitch and rhythm is improved through music dictation and solfeggio (sight singing). It is a helpful course for those students interested in becoming better performers and an essential course for those intending post high school musical study.
PREPARATION: Ability to play a wind instrument at the high school level
This ensemble is for the freshman student who plays a wind, brass, or percussion instrument, Freshman Wind Ensemble at East offers an opportunity to perform with others to improve musically, to explore new styles of music, and to express oneself creatively. The wind ensemble rehearses daily as a class, and there is a weekly small group rotating music lesson lab. Students will perform in concerts in and out of school. Grading is based on participation, lessons, testing and rehearsal and concert attendance. There is no audition requirement for this ensemble.
The primary objectives of the music curriculum are to develop musical proficiency, to foster self-expression through group activity, to encourage public performance, to acquire knowledge of careers in music, and to develop a lifelong appreciation of music.