World Language
World Language
FRENCH 1 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
French 1 is the first course in a multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are beginning their study of French, students will learn to use the language meaningfully and begin to develop the facility to communicate in the French-speaking world. Students are introduced to the basic speech and pronunciation patterns through intensified practice in listening and speaking. Reading and writing are introduced as an extension of listening and speaking to facilitate multiple forms of communication. Activities are designed to allow students to use the language to their fullest potential.
FRENCH 2 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of middle school sequence or French 1
French 2 is the second course in the multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are continuing their study of French, this course involves an extension of all the principles taught in the first level of French. An understanding and facility in using the language, an emphasis on the refinement of basic reading skills, continual development of writing skills, and a continued study of the important aspects of French life and culture are emphasized. Activities provide for a continued effort in the development of the students’ ability to express ideas in French and to think in the target language.
FRENCH 3 A / H: 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of French 2
This course offers extensive oral practice in the language through class conversation, question and answer sessions, role playing and improvisational situations. Grammatical concepts are reviewed, and more complex structures are introduced. Readings will include excerpts from French literature as well as current magazine and newspaper articles. Writing skills will be stressed through regular composition work. The class will be conducted in French, bien entendu!
FRENCH 4 A / H: 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of French 3 H or 3 A with teacher recommendation
Students who have attained this level of proficiency will now be able to express themselves more accurately in French. Class discussions are based on articles from French newspapers and magazines, on short stories by leading French authors, and on works dealing with various aspects of French and Francophone life. In addition, there are several movies shown and studied for cultural content that will alternate on an A and B cycle. In addition, there are several movies shown and studied for cultural content. These alternate on an A and B cycle. Active participation is encouraged through individual reports and class presentations. Composition work stresses style in the expression of personal ideas. The class will be conducted in French.
PREPARATION: Successful completion of French 4H
In AP French, emphasis will be on: (1) reinforcement of the students' ability to communicate and express ideas, feelings, and emotions, both in reading and in writing: (2) reading and interpreting representative works of French and Francophone writers while gaining an understanding of selected literary movements and their cultural significance: (3) study of selected aspects of the arts and (4) contemporary social values as seen through the media. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement exam in French language. The class will be conducted in French.
FRENCH 5 A: 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of French 4 A
French 5 A focuses on reinforcing the student's ability to communicate and express their ideas, feelings, and opinions, both orally and in writing. Oral reports on literary and cultural topics as well as personal experiences will be presented. Readings will include essays, short stories, plays and poetry, with writing and speaking activities generated from the readings. A review and expansion of major grammatical elements will form another segment of the course. The class will be conducted in French.
SPANISH 1 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
Spanish 1 is the first course in a multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are new to the study of Spanish, students will learn to use the language meaningfully and begin to develop the facility to communicate in the Spanish-speaking world. Students are introduced to the basic speech and pronunciation patterns through intensified practice in listening and speaking. Activities are designed to allow students to use the language to their fullest potential in a culturally appropriate fashion.
SPANISH 2 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Completion of middle school sequence or Spanish 1
Spanish 2 is the second course in a multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are continuing their study of Spanish, this course involves an extension of all the principles taught in the first level of Spanish.
An understanding and facility in using the
language, an emphasis on the refinement of basic reading skills, a continual development of writing skills, and a continued study of the important aspects of Hispanic life and culture are emphasized. Activities provide for a continued effort in the development of the students’ ability to express ideas in Spanish and to think in the target language.
SPANISH 3 A / H: 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Spanish 2H or 2A with teacher recommendation
This course offers extensive oral practice in the language through class conversations, question and answer sessions, and group work. Grammatical concepts are reviewed, and more complex grammatical structures are introduced. Readings include excerpts from Hispanic literature as well as current magazine articles featuring aspects of daily life in the Hispanic world. Writing skills are stressed through composition work. The class is conducted in Spanish.
SPANISH 4 A / H: 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Spanish 3 H or 3A with teacher recommendation
In this fourth-year Spanish course, special attention is given to the synthesis and connection of all the content and skills acquired in the first three years of language study. Based on a learner-centered curriculum, students will work on projects which are interesting and relevant to them, so that they can use Spanish to communicate with native speakers, both orally and in writing. The class is conducted in Spanish.
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Spanish 4H with teacher recommendation
The content of this course is largely determined by the Advanced Placement Spanish Language Course description, published each year by the College Board. The fifth-year student will gain greater competence in Spanish in this intensive, rigorous college level curriculum by: (1) discussing literary and cultural topics, current events, and personal experiences with a high degree of structural accuracy and fluency; (2) reading selected newspaper and magazine articles, literary prose and poetry; (3) writing expository compositions expressing ideas, feelings, and opinions with a high degree of structural accuracy. The language and literature are studied as an expression of the fundamental values of Hispanic cultures. Students are expected
to take the Advanced Placement exam in Spanish language. The class will be conducted entirely in Spanish.
SPANISH 5 A: 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Spanish 4 A
This course has a conversational emphasis. Students will form groups to study subjects of interest to them. Topics may include academic subjects (biology, sociology, environmental studies, etc.) or career-oriented topics such as law, medicine, business, or information technology. Using student-driven thematic units, students will learn to speak and write appropriately in selected situations. The class is conducted in Spanish.
LEVEL 1 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Teacher recommendation
Spanish for Heritage Speakers is designed to develop oral, aural, reading, and written language skills at a very challenging level in a language in which a student has already demonstrated proficiency. One of the goals of the course is to prepare the student in Spanish in academic and professional settings. The cultural knowledge of the students will serve as the base to expand their understanding of the various Spanish- speaking cultures. Analysis of authentic Spanish literature will be a major component of the course.
LEVEL 2 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of a Spanish for Heritage Speakers course or teacher recommendation Spanish for Heritage Speakers 2 continues the development of oral, aural, reading, and written skills at a very challenging level begun in the previous course. The development of a more formal usage of the language is emphasized. The student will analyze literary and cultural topics, current events, and personal experiences at a more sophisticated level. The reading and analysis of authentic literature will continue to be a major component of the course. This will be a learner-centered curriculum in which students will have the opportunity to design their own thematic units.
LEVEL 3 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of a Spanish for Heritage Speakers course or teacher recommendation Spanish for Heritage Speakers 3 continues the development of oral, aural, reading, and written skills at a very challenging level begun in the previous course. The development of more formal usage of the language is emphasized. The student will analyze literary and cultural topics, current events, and personal experiences at a more sophisticated level. The reading and analysis of authentic literature will continue to be a major component of the course. This will be a learner-centered curriculum in which students will have the opportunity to design their own thematic units.
LATIN 1 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
Latin 1 A / H is the first-year course in a multi-year sequence. Designed for students who want to explore ancient Greco-Roman culture and development of language skills, this introductory course exposes students to the goals established by the National Standards. 1) Reading as a primary tool of communication, which is enhanced by oral skills such as recitation and by writing. 2) Developing an awareness of other people’s world view as well as learning about contributions of other cultures to the world at large and the solutions they offer to common problems. 3) Understanding contemporary culture by making connections and comparing the ancient culture with their own. 4) Developing strategies for encountering new language learning situations and other cultures.
LATIN 2 A / H: 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Latin I A/H or teacher recommendation
Latin 2 is the second course in a multi-year sequence. Designed for students who want to continue their exploration of ancient Greco-Roman culture and further develop language skills, this course expands on the goals established by the National Standards. 1) Reading and analysis of texts as a primary tool of communication that is enhanced by oral skills such as recitation and by writing. 2) Developing an awareness of other people’s world views as well as learn about contributions of other cultures to the world at large and the solutions they offer to common problems of humankind. 3) Understanding contemporary culture by making connections and comparing the ancient culture with their own. 4) Expanding strategies for encountering new language learning situations and other cultures.
LATIN 3 A / H: 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Latin 2 H or teacher recommendation
Students study a variety of genres and authors. This third-year course introduces students to a well-rounded experience with classical literature with emphasis on Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Horace, et al.
LATIN 3A/4A: 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Latin 2 and/or Latin 3 or teacher recommendation
Students study a variety of genres and authors. The third year and fourth-year courses introduce students to a well-rounded experience with classical literature with emphasis on Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Horace, etal.
LATIN 3H/AP: 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Latin 2H or teacher recommendation
Students study a variety of genres and authors. This course completes a student’s well-rounded experience with classical literature with emphasis on Vergil, Catullus Ovid, Horace, et al. The primary difference between this and its A-level alternative is that here students are held to a much higher level of expectations sufficient to prepare them for AP testing at the end of this year of study. It is strongly recommended that students make challenging preparations for the rigors of AP Latin.
AP LATIN: 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Latin 3 H or teacher recommendation
Students study a variety of genres and authors. This fourth-year course completes a student’s well-rounded experience with classical literature with emphasis on Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Horace, et al. The primary difference between this and its A-level alternative is that here students are held to a much higher level of expectations sufficient to prepare them for AP testing at the end of this year of study. It is strongly recommended that students make challenging preparations for the rigors of AP Latin.
LATIN 4 A: 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Latin 3 A or teacher recommendation
Students study a variety of genres and authors. The fourth-year course completes a student’s well-rounded experience with classical literature with emphasis on Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Horace, et al.
CHINESE I A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 Credits
Chinese I is the first course in a multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are beginning their study of Chinese, students will learn to use the language meaningfully and begin to develop the facility to communicate in the Chinese-speaking world. Students are introduced to the basic speech and pronunciation patterns through intensified practice in listening and speaking. Reading and writing are introduced as an extension of listening and speaking to facilitate multiple forms of communication. Activities are designed to allow students to use the language to their fullest potential.
CHINESE 2 A / H: 10, 11, 12 5 Credits
Chinese 2 is the second course in the multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are continuing their study of Chinese, this course involves an extension of all the principles taught in the first level of Chinese. An understanding and facility in using the language, an emphasis on the refinement of basic reading skills, continual development of writing skills, and a continued study of the important aspects of Chinese life and culture are emphasized. Activities provide for a continued effort in the development of the students’ ability to express ideas in Chinese and to think in the target language.
CHINESE 3 A / H: 10, 11, 12 5 Credits
Chinese 3 is the third course in the multi-year sequence. This course offers extensive oral practice in the language through class conversations, question and answer sessions, and group work. Grammatical concepts are reviewed, and more complex grammatical structures are introduced. Readings include excerpts from Chinese literature as well as current newspaper and magazine articles featuring aspects of Chinese life and culture. Writing skills are stressed through composition work. The class is conducted in Chinese.
CHINESE 4 A / H: 11, 12 5 Credits
In this fourth-year Chinese course, special attention is given to the synthesis and connection of all the content and skills acquired in the first three years of language study. Active participation is encouraged through class conversations, individual reports and class presentations. Readings include excerpts from Chinese literature as well as current newspaper and magazine articles featuring aspects of Chinese life and culture. Composition work stresses style in the expression of personal ideas. The class is conducted in Chinese.
The content of this course is largely determined by the Advanced Placement Chinese Language & Culture Course description, published each year by the College Board. Students cultivate their understanding of Chinese language and culture by applying the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations as they explore concepts related to family and community, personal and public identity, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, contemporary life, and global challenges. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement exam in Chinese language. The class will be conducted entirely in Chinese.
GERMAN 1 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
German 1 is the first course in the multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are new to the study of German, this fast-paced course involves an in-depth study of German. The students will be introduced to German through Comprehensible Input, which involves reading, watching and listening to high-interest materials to build a groundwork of language. There is emphasis on the co-construction of class stories.
Minds-on engagement in level one is key to success in higher levels. Class activities provide for development of the students’ ability to express ideas in German and think in the target language.
GERMAN 2 A / H: 10, 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of German 1H or 1A with teacher recommendation
German 2 is the second course in the multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are continuing their study of German, this course involves a continuation of Comprehensible Input methodologies from the first year of German. A growing understanding and facility in using the language, an emphasis on the refinement of reading skills with several culturally authentic readers, continued development of writing skills and more in-depth study of the important aspects of German life and culture are emphasized. Activities provide for a continued effort in the development of the students’ ability to express ideas in German and to think in the target language.
GERMAN 3 A / H: 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of German 2H or 2A with teacher recommendation
This course offers continued and more intense study of the German language via Comprehensible Input. Reading and listening texts for and from native speakers are used more extensively. Oral practice in the language through class conversations, question and answer sessions, and group and pair work are a crucial part of this course. With two years of Comprehensible Input behind them, students will have the tools to deal with grammar concepts, which will be explicitly taught as needed for the sake of communication. are reviewed and more complex grammatical structures are introduced. Writing skills are stressed through regular journals, thematic- and free-writes, guided essays, and more. The class is conducted in German.
PREPARATION: Successful completion of German 3H with teacher recommendation
The content of this course is largely determined by the Advanced Placement German Language and Culture course description, published each year by the College Board. The fourth-year student will gain greater competence in German by: (1) discussing literary and cultural topics, current events and personal experiences; (2) reading selected newspaper and magazine articles, literary prose and poetry; (3) writing compositions with a high degree of structural accuracy. The language and literature are studied as an expression of the fundamental values of German, Austrian, and Swiss cultures. This course will be conducted entirely in German.
GERMAN 4 A: 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of German 3
The course has been divided into five units of work: a review of grammar structures; readings by twentieth century authors including Brecht, Duerrenmatt and Frisch; a short overview of German history; a brief summary of German literature from 1750-1850; and a study of current cultural, political, economic, and social issues. Students must be able to work independently during the year. A term paper on a selected topic is required. Students are encouraged to take the AP exam.
ITALIAN 1 A / H: 9, 10, 11, 12 5 credits
Italian 1 is the first course in a multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are new to the study of Italian, students will learn to use the language meaningfully and begin to develop the facility to communicate in the Italian-speaking world. Students are introduced to the basic speech and pronunciation patterns through intensified practice in listening and speaking. Reading and writing are introduced as an extension of listening and speaking. Activities are designed to allow students to use the language to their fullest potential in a culturally appropriate fashion.
ITALIAN 2 A / H: 10, 11, 12 (Carries A or H level credit) 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Italian 1 with teacher recommendation
Novice 2 H Italian is the second course in the multi-year sequence. Designed for students who are continuing their study of Italian, this course involves an in-depth extension of all the principles taught in the first level of Italian. A deeper understanding and facility in using the language, an emphasis on the refinement of reading skills with extensive culturally authentic pieces, an intense development of writing skills, and a profound study of the important aspects of Italian life and culture are emphasized. Activities provide for a continued effort in the development of the students’ ability to express ideas in Italian and to think in the target language.
ITALIAN 3 A / H: 11, 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Italian 2 H or 2 A with teacher recommendation
The Italian 3 course is aimed at refining the basic language skills. Major emphasis is placed on developing listening comprehension, increasing fluency in the spoken language, refining writing skills, reviewing previously acquired grammatical concepts, and introducing new, more complex structures. Students will be required to write compositions, making use of the themes and vocabulary introduced in each chapter unit. Italian culture and pertinent political and literary developments of modern Italy are studied and discussed. The class will be conducted mostly in Italian.
AP ITALIAN: 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Italian 3H
The content of this course is largely determined by the Advanced Placement Italian Language course description, published each year by the College Board. The fourth-year student will gain greater competence in Italian by: (1) discussing literary and cultural topics, current events and personal experiences;
(2) reading selected newspaper and magazine articles, literary prose and poetry; (3) writing compositions with a high degree of structural accuracy. The language and literature are studied as an expression of the fundamental values of the Italian culture. This course will be conducted entirely in Italian.
ITALIAN 4A: 12 5 credits
PREPARATION: Successful completion of Italian 3A/H
The Italian 4 course aims to increase the student’s comprehension of spoken Italian; to further develop their ability to speak the language; to enable them to read selected literary texts and current materials; to express themselves in written form in grammatically correct and idiomatic Italian. Italian culture and pertinent political, social and literary development of contemporary Italy are discussed. The class will be conducted in Italian.