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Additional Information

Additional Information

    1. Students will carry a minimum of fifteen (15) credits per semester and a minimum of thirty (30) credits per year.


    1. The principal alone may, for good reason, waive the minimum of thirty (30) credits per year with the understanding that the student needs 120 credits for graduation.



    1. High school level courses taken prior to Grade 9 may be used to meet prerequisites for advancement in a particular subject area and satisfy the Algebra and or Geometry requirement. A listing of these courses appears as a separate category on the high school transcript with the corresponding grade. However, because graduation credit requirements may only be met by courses taken in Grades 9-12, courses taken prior to Grade 9 are not included in GPA or class rank nor do they count toward graduation requirements, except Algebra and or Geometry, which can satisfy the content requirement, but not the credit requirement.


    1. High school level courses taken in approved high school evening/day and review programs, online, and through distance learning, are not included in weighted or unweighted GPA or class rank.



    1. If a student completes all the graduation requirements in three years, a student may be eligible to receive a diploma. This must be approved by the principal or designee.


  1. Course Pathways


To make the Course of Study Booklet more manageable there is a companion of Course Pathways posted on the district website with the Course of Study Booklet. This companion will help students and families identify courses in a similar pathway when choosing classes. These one-page documents will help students plan for their four years in high school.  There is a page for planning and a pathway guide for the current areas of interest in:


Art                                                           Business                                       Communication

Computer Science                                   Cultural Studies                           Culinary Education

Education                                                Math                                             Music

Science                                                    Technology                                  Theater