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Promotion and Retention


Students at the high school level are expected to meet the requirements of Board of Education

                   Policy 5460: High School Graduation.


In Grades 9-12, parents should be notified each year if a student:


    1. Has not met the minimum standard testing requirements outlined in the Proficiency Standards of the Board of Education Policy 5460: High School Graduation.
    2. Has not met the other course requirements outlined in Board of Education Policy IHF: Graduation Requirements.

Recommendations for placement in grade level:


  1. A student will be allowed to move to the next grade level with his/her class until the eleventh grade regardless of the number of credits accumulated.


  1. In order to be promoted to the twelfth grade, a student must have sufficient credits (90 credits) to complete high school graduation requirements by the end of summer following the junior year.