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Kimberly Gallagher

Kimberly Gallagher

Kimberly Gallagher was elected in November 2022 to fill an unexpired one-year term, and was re-elected in 2023. She moved to Cherry Hill in November 2015. She and her husband chose Cherry Hill specifically for the school district. She has two elementary-age daughters and a teenage stepson who attends Eastern Regional High School.

Ms. Gallagher received her BA in Philosophy (Ethics) from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and her Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Northeastern University, where she concentrated in Supply Chain Management.

Prior to having her children, she worked in a corporate setting. Her career focused on Supply Chain Management - inventory management, sourcing and purchasing, and customer service. After having children, her career pivoted to education. She has taught Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Operations for an MBA program for seven years.

During the 2020-2021 school year, Ms. Gallagher was a leader of a parent group that advocated for schools to open for in-person learning. She looks forward to advocating for CHPS students on the Board of Education.

Committee Appointments: Business & Facilities

Term expires: 2027