All CHPS Middle School and High School Athletic Registrations for the upcoming Athletic season will be completed through the Genesis Parent Portal under the Forms Tab. A short video and PDF directions can be found below.
If there are any questions, please call the Athletics office
Avoid Delays in Clearing Sport Physicals
To avoid delays in clearing sports physicals, be sure to turn in your paperwork on time.
- All sections of the physical examination form are completed in ink.
- All sections are completed, including vision, blood pressure, pulse and date of physical exam.
- Provide explanations to all yes answers on the history form.
- The clearance box is checked on both pages 3 and 4.
- Include clearance notes with date for any injuries and/or illnesses checked off on the history form.
- The doctor signed the cardiac assessment module on the last page.
- Lastly, check over the forms before submitting them to make sure they are complete.
Registration Instructions
- Go to the Genesis Parent Portal
- Log on with your User Name and Password
- From the home screen, select the "Student Data Tab"
- On the toolbar, select "Forms"
- Select "Spring Sports Participation" (This will be Winter or Fall during those seasons)
- Review the Directions for Athletic Pre-Participation Approval
- Pre-Participation and Health History Update Forms are located in this section
- Activity Fee payment is located in this section.
- Select the sport that your child wishes to play.
Note: The Pre-Participation Physical section will provide you with all the information regarding the sports physical.
10. In the Release Forms section, indicate you preferred hospital
11. Click on each of ht forms to Link to the Policy & Acknowledgment Release information
12. Confirm your acknowledgment by checking the confirmation box
13. Acknowledge and click the box stating you have reviewed the information.
14. Click "Update Answers" to submit your responses