Special Ed Quick Questions
Have a quick question for the Special Education Department? Click Here to Submit your question for a quick answer!
Please see below for questions that the community has asked, along with our answers. Some answers may be a compilation of similar questions on the same topic. Additionally, we cannot answer questions regarding specific students, schools, or classrooms. Please contact your child’s case manager or building administrator with specific questions. Questions and answers may be edited for brevity.
Special Ed Questions and Answers
- Question: "How soon is the ESY schedule set? We never know what weeks our learner will be in ESY until their IEP meeting in the late spring. It would be incredibly helpful to have more advanced notice. Thanks!"
- Question: “I want my son to be able to be in a mainstream classroom with support as well as a self-contained classroom. How can I make sure that he will have support to do so? He is five years old with Autism.”
- “We live in Cherry Hill, and my daughter attends a private school. Her school recommended an evaluation by the district’s child study team. Who should I contact to start this process?”
- Question: "We are residents of Cherry Hill but my daughter attends a private school. I am interested in having her evaluated by the district. Who do I reach out to in order to initiate this process? "