Barclay 2021-2022 Application

  • Download the 2021-2022 Barclay Early Childhood Application

    The application period for the 21-22 school year is February 1, 2021 to March 1, 2021 at 4 pm. All applications received after the March 1, 2021 4pm deadline will be placed on a waiting list.  We plan to notify parents by the end of March of their acceptance into the program; or if they’re on a waiting list. Our program is 5 days a week, 9-11:30 am OR 1-3:30 pm. Children must be 3 or 4 by October 1, 2021, potty trained and a Cherry Hill resident.  There is NO transportation, parents transport to and from and there are no AM class requests. Tuition is $2,500.00/year, $250/monthly payments August thru May. Financial assistance is available if you qualify for free or reduced lunch through the district. 

    There will be a “VIRTUAL” Open House on Friday, February 5th at 2 pm and Monday, February 8th at 6:30 pm. Please check the website for the electronic link. 

    The one-page application can be emailed to Bonnie Mingin at; or mailed to Ms. Mingin at 45 Ranoldo Terrace, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034. Any questions can be directed to Colleen Thompson, Secretary at Barclay Early Childhood Center via email, or phone, 856-429-7283, ext 4010.