- Cherry Hill Alternative High School
- Guidance
Coles School Counseling Center
Counselor: Lauren Hudson
I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and extend a welcome to both new and returning families. I look forward to working with each student and family, as you are a big part of your student’s success!
My role as the counselor in the building is to lend support to students academically, emotionally, and socially. My job is to work with the teachers and administrators to help foster an environment that is safe and inclusive for all students to thrive. I will be meeting with students throughout the year in many different ways. They include individual and group counseling, classroom guidance lessons, college and career readiness, and resources and referrals.
My role also includes Anti-Bullying Specialists that deal with investigation of the Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) cases within the building.
My google classroom has many different resources. I will post important information regarding seniors, any school wide activities, resources for students and families, and career readiness information. Google Classroom Link
I am here to support and guide students and families in any way I can. Please feel free to reach out by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns. My contact information is below.
Email: Lhudson@chclc.org
Phone: (856) - 616 - 0843 ext. 4453