• Our Vision Statement

    WE are a student-centered, equitable community of engaged and collaborative learners. Our students are risk-takers and problem solvers who learn and grow from mistakes, and who develop confidence and a sense of belonging in a safe environment. WE use high-quality research-based instruction to foster an interconnected community of mathematicians.

  • Fatihah Abdur-Rahman, Ed.S.

    Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction

    Cherry Hill Public Schools

    45 Ranoldo Terrace

    Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

    856-429-5600 Ext. 4312


  • Pat McHenry

    Math Teacher Coach K-5

    A. Russell Knight, Kingston, and Woodcrest Elementary Schools



    Lindsay Ciemiengo

    Math Teacher Coach K-5

    Clara Barton, Horace Mann, Thomas Paine Elementary Schools



    Carrie Fritz

    Math Teacher Coach K-5

    James Johnson, Joseph D. Sharp Elementary Schools


    Kim DeYoung

    Math Teacher Coach K-5

    Bret Harte and James F. Cooper Elementary Schools



    Jennifer Rombos

    Math Teacher Coach K-5

    Joyce Kilmer and Richard Stockton Elementary Schools
