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Cultural Proficiency/Equity/Character Education

Our 5 Year Plan

In keeping with the Cherry Hill School District's commitment to the pillars of character education, namely respect, responsibility, and citizenship, our vision – beginning in the fall of 2017 – is to develop a Cultural Proficiency/Equity/Character Education five year plan that addresses the goals, structure and initiatives necessary to strengthen our school community. Our commitment and goal are to create a school climate in which variety by reason of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, social/economic class, family structure, physical or developmental abilities are considered assets and resources for personal and academic achievement. Our purpose is to teach our children and ourselves to live, learn, and work together in a vibrant and diverse world in which mutual respect is the foundation.

ABC News Nightline Video

District Policy 2100 – Anti-Racism

Talking About Race - Resources

Social Justice and Black History Curriculum Discussion

Cultural Proficiency in the Classroom

Our teachers and staff continually devise innovative programs and lessons to weave cultural proficiency into the fabric of daily life in our schools. Below are examples of this great work.