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News & Updates

Stay connected with the latest developments in Cherry Hill Public Schools through our News & Updates section. This hub is your source for celebrating recent achievements, learning about important announcements, and staying informed on significant district efforts.  

5 Year Strategic Planning Process

Cherry Hill Strategic Planning Process Infographic - September 2024

Cherry Hill Public Schools is embarking on an ambitious 5-Year Strategic Planning process designed to shape the future of education in our district. This effort will establish clear goals and priorities to ensure the continued success of our students and schools. At the heart of this process is our commitment to inclusivity and collaboration. We believe that every voice matters, which is why we’re inviting parents, students, staff, and community members to play an active role in shaping the district’s vision for the years ahead.


To gather valuable insights and feedback, we are excited to announce the launch of the Strategic Planning Community Engagement Survey in January 2025. Your thoughts, ideas, and priorities are essential as we work together to create a plan that reflects the aspirations and needs of our community. 


Please use the link below to participate in the survey:

Portrait of a Cherry Hill Public Schools Graduate

The "Portrait of a Graduate" process in Cherry Hill Public Schools is a focused effort to define the key skills and attributes that students should possess upon graduation. This process will heavily rely upon community engagement and community voice to ensure that the educational outcomes align with the expectations and needs of students, parents, and local stakeholders. Understanding these expectations allow the district to to prepare students not just academically, but also for a future economy and world yet to exist.

Q&A on "Portrait of a Graduate" and "Strategic Planning Process"

Elementary Redistricting

Understanding the Elementary Redistricting Process

The elementary redistricting process began as a result of a detailed demographic study (see on the left) completed in February 2024. This study provided enrollment trends and projections by taking into account several key factors, including:

  • Population trends

  • Historical enrollment patterns

  • Birth rate data

  • New housing developments

  • Community turnover and home sales


Projected Enrollment Growth

The demographic study identified projected enrollment increases at five elementary schools (i.e. Barton ES, Kilmer ES, Mann ES, Stockton ES, and Woodcrest ES) By 2028-2029, these schools are anticipated to face capacity challenges, highlighting the necessity of proactive planning.


Exploring Solutions

To address these challenges, the district is actively exploring a range of options including:

  • Converting the Lewis Administration Building into a fully functional elementary school.

  • Redrawing school boundaries to balance enrollment across elementary schools

  • Analyzing program placements to optimize space and resources


Next Steps

The Elementary Steering Committee is on track to present its initial recommendations to the Board of Education by February/March 2025 with community discussions following in March 2025 as well.