AHS Goals
Actions |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Strategies/Next Steps |
Timeline |
Persons Responsible |
Evidence of Effectiveness |
Promote a district culture that is equitable, restorative, and inclusive for all students. |
· Proactive, prevention measures implemented to build positive school climates (e.g. PBIS, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Restorative Practices) |
Full implementation of the NJ School Climate Improvement Program. |
-We will identify students, staff, and community members who would like to participate. - We will ensure all community members fill out the survey and provide it in any modality necessary. - We will track and monitor submission to ensure we get the necessary feedback. - We will review the feedback and develop a plan for improvement. |
May-24 |
Principal, Guidance, lead teacher, parent |
Development of a strategic plan that is inclusive of students, staff, parents and other community members based on feedback and implementation of strategies |
· Disciplinary issues are addressed in a way that is evidence-based, developmentally appropriate, and culturally responsive. |
All schools will provide targeted interventions (e.g. counseling, mentoring, check in/check out, etc…) for students who are at risk of engaging in disciplinary infractions. |
We will continue our partnerships with ESS, Dr. Hewitt And other district agencies. We will continue to build upon Restorative practice by implementing a Student Success Block, a Social Skills Block and PBIS Rewards. We will continue to create safety and transition plans for any student who is sent out on an S-12. We will work with families to help students get outpatient and step down programs as needed. |
Ongoing |
Principal, RP Team |
Student feedback, number of discipling referrals reduced, parent feedback regarding treatment of children and levels of supports in finding appropriate resources. |
Address disproportionate disciplinary outcomes for students of color, students with disabilities, and other historically marginalized groups by providing staff training on implicit bias, examining discipline data regularly to identify trends, and implementing policies and practices that promote equity and fairness. |
· Assess the level of equity and inclusivity within the district and identify areas for improvement, ensuring that all students have equal access to educational opportunities. |
Conduct school-based equity audit including a comprehensive analysis of student leadership opportunities at the high school level. |
Ongoing training furing department time. Building framework and system around code of conduct and HIB that provides opportunity for education and accountability. |
Ongoing |
All staff |
All staff will complete RP Training. RP team will develop systems to mitigate issues that arise in the community. Students and families will choose to participate in structured days, rather than traditional code of conduct. Students will show increased ability to self regulate, navigate peer conflict, make positive life choices and participate in activities meant to improve mental/physical/emotional well |
Ongoing review and analysis of discipline data. |
Actions |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Strategies/Next Steps |
Timeline |
Persons Responsible |
Evidence of Effectiveness |
Ensure that all students have equitable access to comprehensive support services that promote their academic success, social- emotional development, and overall well-being. |
support both prevention and early intervention including access to a range of SEL supports that meet their individual needs. |
· Implementarion of the CASEL Indicators of Schoolwide SEL |
Quarterly Student surveys, quarterly staff surveys |
Ongoing |
Principal |
Positive feedback from students regarding school practices. Students identifying they feel safe and have voice in the school community. Staff feel safe, valued, and heard. |
Assess readiness for implementation of the New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS) in the 2024-2025 school year. |
Identify our campus needs based on NJTSS. Identify students who will will have tiered services through ESS. Develop a plan for students not participating in ESS. Develop a library of lessons that directly align. |
May-24 |
Principal, RP Team, Nurse |
Continued improvement on RP Systems: Success Plans, Reflection documents, Accountability Projects, Resource Library, Parent Resource Document, Logs from Principal and Guidance that show through efforts to help connect families to additional resources that align to student need. Notes from family meetings for reentry, transition, and safety planning. |
opportunities to assist them in how to identify and address student needs related to mental, emotional, and behavioral health. |
By January 1, 2023, all schools will complete a self-assessment for Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports Implementation. |
Collect feedback, determine our needs, train staff in best practices and create systems of support. |
Ongoing |
Principal |
Staff feedback regarding PD as aligned to our needs. Staff feedback regarding the effectiveness of best practices and new systems. Staff feedback of the effectiveness on new strategies on student behavior and well being. |
Assess readiness for implementation of the New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS) in the 2024-2025 school year. |
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Actions |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Strategies/Next Steps |
Timeline |
Persons Responsible |
Evidence of Effectiveness |
Create a culture of well- being, collaboration, and support that prioritizes the health and wellness of teachers and staff. |
Schools will provide opportunities for staff to engage in wellness activities including professional development discussions focused on stress management, mindfulness, and personal well-being. |
Positive staff feedback will be obtained through informal and formal methods. |
Continue to provide new opportunities that are high interest and allow staff to engage in activities that facilitate community and camaraderie, as well as, emotional wellbeing. |
Events will be planned monthly throughout the school year. |
Principal, ScIP |
Staff feedback, agendas |
Staff implementation of strategies learned during wellness sessions. |
Develop a calendar of monthly events to teach coping skills to staff. Provide staff with opportunities to share their learning in classrooms. Have student participate in community events. |
Events will be planned monthly throughout the school year. |
Principal |
Staff feedback, student feedback, log of student participation in community initiatives. |
All schools will dedicate a minimum of 1 full required staff meeting to the topic of staff wellness. |
Identify ways to highlight staff and model best practices while doing so. |
Ongoing |
Principal |
Emails, observations reflections, staff feedback |
The District will establish system wide Employee Resource Groups that will promote collaboration and understanding, while allowing staff with opportunities to practice self-care. |
The district's current mentoring and teacher buddy programs will be expanded to not only provide social interaction and collaboration but also to foster discussions about overall wellness, resulting in a more comprehensive and beneficial experience. |
Partner with East/West to help develop best practices. Recruit more mentors from our campus to share best practices for working with highly at risk populations. Compile best practices document and help to make it applicable to larger settings. |
Ongoing |
All staff |
Best practices document that is universal and applicable to multiple schools across the district. Reset plans and PBIS Rewards were first initiated at AHS, finding a positive trend across other schools and preparing a document that aggregates discipline data and evidence that students feel connected to at least one member of their community. |
Staff new to the district (in years 1 and 2) will have the chance to participate in wellness check- ins and information-sharing gatherings, providing valuable opportunities for support and collaboration. |
Locate and book vendors to work with staff throughout the year based on needs identified through staff survey. Align vendors and presentations/activities to pillars of staff wellness. |
Ongoing |
Principal, ScIP |
Staff model strategies and lead student support sessions that are noted in lesson plans. Students report staff bring about a sense of safety and stability. |
Actions |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Strategies/Next Steps |
Timeline |
Persons Responsible |
Evidence of Effectiveness |
Establish an environment at every school where every student feels safe, welcomed, and respected, has access to academic support, and benefits from an inclusive, academically focused culture. |
Establish professional learning to include learning cycles that are personalized, intensive, and ongoing to enhance instructional practice, feedback and reflection for continued growth. |
Evidence of enhanced professional learning will be evident in both formal and informal classroom visitations. |
Ensure all staff have necessary information to register. Meet with staff to determine best practices that are relevant to our campus and embed them into our system of RP, PBIS, cultural proficiency and course offerings. |
Ongoing |
All staff |
Evidence of best practice strategies in lesson plans and observations. |
Restructure the way mandatory professional development offerings are provided. |
Culture of excellence centered on academic achievement, critical thinking, college and career preparedness as evidenced by growth and performance in coursework, including grades, GPA, IEP goals, and language acquisition goals. |
Establish a culture for positive relationships where there is acceptance of diveristy and strong character education practices. |
Continue with Reset plans and a high focus on building relationships. Provide training to all staff on verbal de-escalation. Potentially shifting groupings in classes to facilitate safe spaces and learning. Identify student leaders in the community to participate in peer leadership. Continue to develop opportunities for students and families to gain information regarding post secondary options and training programs. |
Ongoing |
Principal, guidance, RP team |
Increased number of juniors and seniors with set post secondary plans and/or enrollment in training programs that align to interests while attending high school. |
Existence of positive teacher-student relationships reflective of effective communication, mutual respect, and high expectations. |
School based SMART goals aligned to achievement with actionable steps towards attainment. Specific emphasis on Math and ELA and subgroups. |
Utilize multiple opportunties to support student learning including individulaized instruction, peer tutoring, after school help, formative and summative assessments to improve student achievement. |
All schools will exhibit positive growth in NJSLA outcomes for mathematics and literacy, aiming to meet or surpass state averages. |
Continue to identify best practices in stabilizing students so they can learn. Track progress of students give direct instruction in small groups. Track progress of therapy outcomes, participation, etc. |
Ongoing |
Principal |
Increased achievement on an individual level. |
100% student participation on district benchmark assessments |
Decrease in chronic absenteeism aligned with School Performance Report Card minimum threshold. |
Actions |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Strategies/Next Steps |
Timeline |
Persons Responsible |
Evidence of Effectiveness |
Hire and retain staff for a diverse workforce that reflects and promotes Cherry Hill Public Schools Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programming |
Establish a recruitment strategy to attract a wide pool of candidates including partnering with community organizations and colleges/ universities, as well as establishing partnerships to support hard to fill disciplines. |
Review and revise interview questions to reflect district values of DEI. |
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Review and revise exit interview process to better understand retention rates. |
Increase ways to source staffing diversity that more closely represents the student body. Recruitment, hiring plan, and practices will be presented to the Board through the HR Committee. |
Implementation of retention strategies to foster a supportive and inclusive work environment. |
Establishment of teams to support teachers at all levels- new, veteran, master |
Mentor Teachers; Buddy Teachers; New Teacher Survival Guide; Building PD; addressing climate concerns |
All Year |
All Staff and Administration |
-Increased morale and retention (year over year) based on survey data/exit interviews |
New exit interview process to align with retention goals |
Explore opportunities for staff revitalization and rejuvenation through wellness programs. |
Explore shared service agreements and partnerships with other school districts or local universities to help fill gaps in specialized classes. (i.e. World Languages) |
Deepen opportunities for collaboration and partnership with local colleges and universities. |
na |
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Examine possible opportuities for partnership with the Camden County Workforce Development organization. |
Engage community partners to provide opportunities for learning extensions and/or experiential learning. |
Review recruitment and retention strategies for the School Aged Child Care Program (SACC) |
Establish a plan for enhancing the SACC program |
Actions |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Strategies/Next Steps |
Timeline |
Persons Responsible |
Evidence of Effectiveness |
Provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their skills, interests and passions. |
Ensure that all students have access to a range of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities that meet their interests with attention to addressing barriers to participation, such as financial constraints, transportation, and scheduling conflicts to ensure equitable access. |
Provide staff with support and resources to effectively support students |
Continue to provide families and students information and access to opportunities at the comprehensive campuses. Help students to connect with local agencies and employers who offer opportunities aligned to their interests. |
Ongoing |
Principal, guidance, SLE Teacher |
Students participate in activities at comprehensive campuses and take advantage of transportation from AHS to E/W. Students attend career and interest based field trips. |
Increase student voice regarding the types of extracurricular, co- curricular, or leadership activities offered at their schools including service learning opportunities and those beyond the classroom. |
Expansion of experiential learning opportunities for students |
Identify students who are participating in clubs and activities outside of school. Help students join clubs and activities. Collect data on number of students participating in community service opportunities at AHS. Survey students to see what additional community service project they would like to work on. |
Ongoing |
Principal, community service team |
Community service team meets 2x a month. Completion of 4 community service trips. Completion of 3 community service projects in house. Completion of 2 community service projects in partnership with K-5 schools (In district). |
Expansion of special education resources and information to support families |
Actions |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Strategies/Next Steps |
Timeline |
Persons Responsible |
Evidence of Effectiveness |
To develop a comprehensive framework that promotes and provides educational opportunities centered on environmental responsibility, resource conservation, and sustainable practices within the district. |
Establish partnerships with outside entities to support CHPS sustainable goals |
Identify stakeholders to partner with in the establishment of CHPS sustainable goals |
Establish a formal green team. Continue to build lessons and opportunities to learn about environmental responsibility. Continue to solicit student and staff feedback about delegation of funds from our NJ Kids Grow grant funding. Look for additional opportunities to partner with other schools in the district. |
Ongoing |
Principal, guidance, Mrs. Foley |
Produce a list of activities and best practices at AHS based on student and staff feedback. |