GOAL #1 - Student Wellness - Create frameworks of learning and support for all students to develop the skills needed for social and emotional wellness.
2. Staff Wellness: Create a culture of well-being, collaboration and support that prioritizes the health and wellness of teachers and staff.
3. District Culture: Promote a district culture that is equitable, restorative, and inclusive for all students.
4. Equitable Access: Ensure that all students have equitable access to comprehensive support services that promote their academic success, social-emotional development, and overall well-being.
Major Active
2. Staff Wellness:
Health and Wellness or Employee Morale Activities will be conducted (one per marking period). Activities will be planned by the Health and Wellness Committee and/or Sunshine Committee and based on results of the initial Health & Wellness Survey responses.
- October - Informational Session at October Faculty Meeting & Educational Assistant Department meeting
- December - Staff Morale Event planned by Sunshine
- February - Participatory Session at February Faculty Meeting & Educational Assistant Department meeting
- June - Staff Morale Event planned by Sunshine
3. District Culture:
Multiple building committees and stakeholders will engage in professional development work and undertake student-facing activities to promote an equitable, restorative and inclusive school climate in the following areas:
- Beck LMC will engage in professional collaboration and decision-making with existing building Committees on actions to address Beck School Climate Goals
- Leadership Support - SCiP by approving an educator self-evaluation survey to be delivered and supported by SCiP
- Negative Interpersonal Student Behaviors - Culture & Discipline by conducting discipline reviews and enhancing use of the current Positive Behavior Incentive System.
- SCiP and Culture & Discipline committees will provide professional support and development to staff members on the building selected Marzano Protocol 18 “Establishing and Acknowledging Adherence to Rules & Procedures.”
- SCiP will support the following action steps for the Building-wide Growth Plan Protocol:
- Educator self-evaluation survey of effective use of Classroom Management Strategies/Positive Behavior Supports in School (October 2024)
- Development of the Building-Based Flex Option session (2hrs) on Intermediate & Advanced Positive Behavior Management techniques
- Culture & Discipline committee will conduct quarterly data reviews of discipline referrals and identify trends in behavior concerns, locations and effectiveness of Restorative Practice sessions.
- Average discipline rates from last year were:
- .76 Level 1 Discipline referrals per student
- .45 Level 2 Discipline referrals per student
- Average discipline rates from last year were:
- SCiP will support the following action steps for the Building-wide Growth Plan Protocol:
- Tier 2 & 3 Interventions: Grade level Administrators & Counselors will evaluate Discipline Referrals by Team & Grade Level to identify students who need additional behavioral support, provide targeted interventions, monitor student progress and make referrals for community-based support when needed. Community Based intervention will be provided through NJ4S/Center for Family Services (Camden County hub provider).
- Tier 2 Interventions will include but are not limited to: Check-In/Check-Out, Counselor Passes, SEL Checks, Individual PBIS plans, referral to NJ4S for group services.
- Tier 3 Interventions will include but are not limited to: Brief Functional Behavioral Assessment, Self-monitoring tools, School-Home communication plan Enhanced CICO, Planned Breaks, Individual PBIS plans, referral to NJ4S for individual services.
- Restorative Practices:
- The Administrative Team will:
- Survey staff members to determine who has already been trained in Restorative Practice strategies.
- Ensure PBSIS team members participate in District-sponsored Restorative Practice professional development.
- Utilize restorative practice lessons and videos with students for Level 2 Disciplinary Referrals
- The Administrative Team will:
4. Equitable Access:
- Beck LMC and the Administrative Team will utilize CASEL Indicators of School-wide SEL tools on a quarterly basis to assess implementation of SEL.
- Existing SEL practices (Advisory Curriculum, & Second Step) will be monitored for implementation fidelity by the Administrative Team.
- Beck will conduct grade-level/school-wide assemblies targeting mental, emotional & behavioral health topics with community based providers.
- Establishment of a NJTSS Committee comprised of the following:
- PBSIS - Beck has established a PBSIS committee and is participating in the NJDOE/Rutgers PBSIS Technical Assistance project (3 year).
- Year 1 - committee formation, audit of current practice, disciplinary data review and development of framework for Year 2 implementation.
- I&RS - I&RS will meet monthly to review current Tier 1 and 2 student plans and needs.
- PBSIS - Beck has established a PBSIS committee and is participating in the NJDOE/Rutgers PBSIS Technical Assistance project (3 year).
Indicators of Success
2. Staff Wellness:
Wellness Program Participation: 70% of staff will engage in at least one wellness activity per quarter.
- Events will be documented on Health & Wellness Agendas, activity sign-in sheets & reflection logs.
- All staff will be provided with information 2 x per year about Health & Wellness benefits available through District Insurance (Active Fit), NJEA/CCCEA/CHEA and other free/low-cost programs.
- Department meeting agendas will include Health and Wellness information.
Staff Satisfaction Surveys: Positive feedback from annual staff surveys, showing at least 85% of staff feel supported and believe their well-being is a priority within the district.
- Health & Wellness Survey administered in Oct & June.
3. District Culture:
Committee Work & Professional Development:
- 100% completion rate for Educator Self-Evaluation survey & 100% completion rate of Building-Based Flex Option session
- Reduction of Level 1 Discipline Referrals from .76 per student to below .70 per student
- Reduction in Confirmed HIBs as compared month by month between SY 23-24 and SY 24-25.
- SY 23-24 12 confirmed HIBs
- 2 Confirmed in Sept 2023
- 0 Confirmed as of Sept 20,2024
- SY 23-24 12 confirmed HIBs
Tier 2 & Tier 3 Interventions:
- Increase usage of NJ4S/Center for Family Services from 23-24 rates by 100%.
- Tier 1 - 0 sessions (2+ for 24/25)
- Tier 2 - 2 groups (4+ for 24/25)
- Tier 3 - 2 individual student (4+ for 24/25)
- Tracking of referrals for Tier 2 or 3 services through NJ4S/Center for Family services for targeted students or repeat victims (confirmed HIBs).
Restorative Practices:
- Documented through survey results, professional development sign-in sheets and analysis of Level 2 Disciplinary referrals in the Student Management system.
- Increase in completion of Restorative Practices sessions confirmed Aggressors & their rates of recidivism.
4. Equitable Access:
CASEL Implementation:
- By October 30, 2024 Beck LMC will define a process for quarterly analysis and reflection using CASEL tools.
- Quarterly analysis and reflection will be completed by:
- November 30, 2024
- January 30, 2025
- April 11, 2025
- May 30, 2025
- Advisory Lesson Plans and usage statistics from Second Step will document consistent delivery of SEL to students.
- Documentation of grade-level/school-wide assemblies:
- Grade 6 - Bullying & LEAD
- Grade 7 - Suicide Prevention
- Grade 8 - Substance Use
- Quarterly analysis and reflection will be completed by:
NJTSS Implementation by Beck PBSIS Committee:
- Attend 100% of professional development sessions delivered through the Technical Assistance Project.
- Complete all action steps outlined by the PBSIS Coach
- Collaborate with I&RS Committee to produce an audit/survey of existing opportunities to deliver academic and behavioral interventions.
GOAL #2 - PURPOSE & PASSION - Develop highly engaging learner-centered experiences within an environment that promotes voice, choice, and passion for learning.
6. Academic & Inclusive Culture: Establish an environment at every school where every student feels safe, welcomed, and respected, has access to academic support, and benefits from an inclusive, academically focused culture.
9. Special Education Transition: Ensure smooth and effective transitions for students receiving special educational services, whether they are moving between levels to attend different buildings for appropriate programs/services or are new enrollees to the district, thereby promoting their academic success and emotional well-being.
Major Active
6. Academic and Inclusive Culture
Beck will launch school-wide initiatives that promote safety, respect & inclusion through the activities of student groups such as Student Government Association & Peer Leaders & Beck Buddies.
- Beck SGA and Peer Leaders will continue & increase student leadership and participation in Anti-Bullying Events and peer mentoring.
- Beck SGA and Peer Leaders will identify school-wide opportunities to promote respect & inclusion through awareness events, community service and inclusive activities.
Beck Academic Achievement will meet or surpass the NJSLA state averages in Math and ELA.
- Beck met or exceeded the state average scale scores in grades 6, 7 & 8 ELA in Spring 2024 and across all standards based on the School Evidence Statement Analysis for these grades. Overall school performance rate was 65% proficiency.
- Of 701 current students, 8% of students scored in the 740-749 range in their previous ELA course (55 students).
- Beck met or exceeded the state average scale scores in grades 6, 7 & 8 ELA in Spring 2024 and across all standards based on the School Evidence Statement Analysis for these grades. Overall school performance rate was 65% proficiency.
- Math
- Beck met or exceeded the state average scale scores in grades 6, 7, & 8 Math as well as Algebra and Geometry in Spring 2024 and across most of all standards based on the School Evidence Statement Analysis for these courses. Overall school performance rate was 45% proficiency.
- Of 420 current students in Math 6, Math 7 or Math 8, 19% of students scored in the 740-749 range in their previous math course (83 students).
- Beck met or exceeded the state average scale scores in grades 6, 7, & 8 Math as well as Algebra and Geometry in Spring 2024 and across most of all standards based on the School Evidence Statement Analysis for these courses. Overall school performance rate was 45% proficiency.
Beck will establish Attendance Plans to provide support to students who meet the criteria for Chronic Absenteeism.
- School Performance Report 22-23 – 14.9% chronic absenteeism rate.
- Attendance rates will be monitored daily and all current attendance policies will be followed.
- School counselors will identify students with attendance concerns from previous school years or who demonstrate a pattern of absence in the first month of school for an Attendance Plan intervention.
- Attendance Plans will be individualized to include targeted interventions based on the root cause of the behavior.
9. Special Education Transition Programs
Beck will provide direct transition supports to students and families between 5th and 6h grade and from 8th to 9th grade.
- Beck Case Managers will communicate with sending and receiving case managers
- Any incoming students for LLD/ASD programming (that are not from geographic sending schools) will receive a Beck t-shirt and Welcoming Note from a student
- Any students with specialized needs for Orientation will be invited to a sensory-friendly Orientation held before the large group Orientation in August.
- CHSEPTA will be invited to participate in all Beck transition activities & PTSA meeting nights.
Indicators of Success
6. Academic & Inclusive Culture
School-wide Safety, Respect & Inclusion Initiatives
- Beck SGA & Peer Leaders will ensure the Election Process & Application Process provide support for students with individual needs.
- Documentation of ABS collaboration with Peer Leaders and SGA for Week of Respect, Kindness Day etc.
Academic Achievement
- ELA:
- 25 of 55 students in the 740-749 range of proficiency will be on track to improve their scale score to 750+ resulting in an overall school performance rate of 70% proficiency on the NGSLAs for ELA.
- Progress will be measured by
- District Unit Assessment results (benchmarks) with students achieving scores of 40% or higher on Unit Benchmarks (correlates to scale scores of 750 or better).
- Math:
- At least 25 of 83 students in the 740-749 range of proficiency will be on track to improve their scale score to 750+ resulting in an overall school performance rate of 52% proficiency on the NGSLAs in Math 6, Math 7 & Math 8.
- District Unit Assessment results (benchmarks) with students achieving scores of 40% or higher on Unit Benchmarks (correlates to scale scores of 750 or better).
- At least 25 of 83 students in the 740-749 range of proficiency will be on track to improve their scale score to 750+ resulting in an overall school performance rate of 52% proficiency on the NGSLAs in Math 6, Math 7 & Math 8.
- Decrease in chronic absenteeism rate from 14.9% to 10%.
- Documentation of individual student Attendance Plans
9. Special Education Transition Programs
- Communication with high school case managers will begin no later than January 30, 2025
- Communication with elementary school case managers will begin no later than March 1, 2025
- No later than June 1, 2025
- Documented by invitations, RSVPs & agendas.
GOAL #3 - CONNECTING BEYOND our CLASSROOMS - Provide resources, opportunities, and experiences for our students to connect to the world beyond their classrooms and to become informed and empathetic agents of change in the world.
2. Provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their skills, interests, and passions.
3. To develop a comprehensive framework that promotes and provides educational opportunities centered on environmental responsibility, resource conservation, and sustainable practices within the district.
Major Active
2. Provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their skills, interests, and passions.
Expand Extracurricular Programs: Increase the variety of clubs, sports teams, and special interest groups, ensuring that students with diverse interests can find something that resonates with them.
- Beck will add intramural opportunities and clubs based on student voice and interest and ensure all students are aware of how they can form a club based on their own interests.
- Beck Committees will add student representation to committee meetings 2 x per year.
- Beck SGA will expand the pool of students and create subcommittee structures to allow for students to carry the work of school-events, governance, planning and recreation.
3. Develop a comprehensive framework that promotes and provides educational opportunities centered on environmental responsibility, resource conservation, and sustainable practices within the district.
- Beck Green Team will meet monthly and continue activities begun in 23-24 towards Sustainable Jersey goals.
- Green Team members will attend District sponsored or District identified Professional Development workshops that support the work of Sustainable Jersey.
- Beck Green Team will incorporate work with the BEC (student club) on sustainability activities and awareness such as the improvements to our outdoor classroom space.
- Beck Green Team & Science classes will support the District Goal of creating a Pollinator Garden.
Indicators of Success
2. Expand Extracurricular Programs
- Beck will monitor student participation in afterschool events & activities through the use of Turnstile and tracking of sports rosters.
- Beck will track the meetings of clubs and activities and % increase in new clubs and activities.
3. Implementation of Curriculum Changes: Environmental Education
- Green Team agendas, completion of action steps towards Sustainable NJ goals & certification.
- Completion of action steps to establish a Pollinator Garden