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2023-2024 SMART GOALS





Major Activities


Indicators of Success


Strategies/Next Steps



Persons Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness










Promote a district culture that is equitable, restorative, and inclusive for all students.


·        Proactive, prevention measures implemented to build positive school climates (e.g. PBIS, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Restorative Practices)



Full implementation of the NJ School Climate Improvement Program.

  1. Complete initial work in NJ Sci platform
  2. Establish school-based climate committee
  3. Establish calendar and meetings
  4. Develop strategic plan based on results of surveys for 24-25 implementation




As Prescribed



Principal Rebecca Metzger



1. Meet dates/deadlines for survey administration and develop

strategic plan.






·        Disciplinary issues are addressed in a way that is evidence-based, developmentally appropriate, and culturally responsive.

All schools will provide targeted interventions (e.g. counseling, mentoring, check in/check out, etc…) for students who are at risk of engaging in disciplinary infractions.


  1. JFCS parternership - Continue grade level mental health, wellness and substance abuse

assemblies for 23-24 school year

  1. JCRC partnership - Continue 8th grade ELA partnership for Holocaust Education


  1. Center for Family Services (tentative) - collaborate to provide grade level assemblies and

parent/guardian workshops on various mental health and wellness topics

  1. Cherry Hill Police Department-Project LEAD (Law Enforcement Against Drugs) program for

6th grade students







Ongoing as scheduled throughout the year







Princicpal Rebecca Metzger







  1. Schedule and hold community partnership events
  2. Document to community in newsletters


Address disproportionate disciplinary outcomes for students of color, students with disabilities, and other historically marginalized groups by providing staff training on implicit bias, examining discipline data regularly to identify trends, and implementing policies and practices that promote equity and fairness.

·        Assess the level of equity and inclusivity within the district and identify areas for improvement, ensuring that all students have equal access to educational opportunities.

Conduct school-based equity audit including a comprehensive analysis of student leadership opportunities at the high school level.


  1. Implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports as a school-wide platform; establish discipline referral baseline
  2. Continuation of the Discipline and Culture committee with monthly meetings.

Monthly behavior data review.

Quarterly discipline data review.



Nysheria Sims- Assistant Principal



  1. Evidence of effectiveness in PBIS incentives and decrease in

disciplinary referrals.


Ongoing review and analysis of discipline data.





Major Activities


Indicators of Success


Strategies/Next Steps



Persons Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness









Ensure that all students have equitable access to comprehensive support services that promote their academic success, social- emotional development, and overall well-being.




  • Students at risk for mental, emotional, or behavioral health challenges are provided with appropriate interventions that

support both prevention and early intervention including access to a range of SEL supports that meet their individual needs.



·        Implementarion of the CASEL Indicators of Schoolwide SEL


  1. Establish calendar for Second Step Lessons
  2. Monitor delivery of Second Step lessons
  3. Use NJ Sci survey results, discipline data, HIB data to guide selection of lessons for 2nd



  1. September


  1. Quarterly
  2. Mid-Year



Administrative Team & School Counselors


  1. Designated Second Step lessons are delivered as scheduled.
  2. Share monthly lesson topics/themes in community newsletter




Assess readiness for implementation of the New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS) in the 2024-2025 school year.




























  • School staff are provided with professional development

opportunities to assist them in how to identify and address student needs related to mental, emotional, and behavioral health.





By January 1, 2023, all schools will complete a self-assessment for Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports Implementation.





1. Review NJ Sci results with School Climate and Discipline/Culture committee


1. Ongoing from

November NJ Sci survey administration and reviewed in monthly meetings





Administrative Team





1. Meet dates/deadlines for survey administration and develop strategic plan.



Assess readiness for implementation of the New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS) in the 2024-2025 school year.





















Major Activities


Indicators of Success


Strategies/Next Steps



Persons Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness











Create a culture of well- being, collaboration, and support that prioritizes the health and wellness of teachers and staff.








Schools will provide opportunities for staff to engage in wellness activities including professional development discussions focused on stress management, mindfulness, and personal well-being.


Positive staff feedback will be obtained through informal and formal methods.


1. Plan two staff wellness sessions for November and April faculty meeting times.

1. Plan and deliver Nov 2023 and May



Administrative Team


1. Staff survey before and after sessions in November & April


Staff implementation of strategies learned during wellness sessions.


1. Provide staff opportunity to share reflections on a quarterly basis.


Quarterly on MP report dates


Administrative Team


1. Quarterly survey results & highlights in staff newsletters





All schools will dedicate a minimum of 1 full required staff meeting to the topic of staff wellness.


  1. Identify providers for staff wellness activities for November and May department meetings.
  2. Ensure staff members have a full understanding of benefits and programs available to them through employee benefits and district wellness programs by collaborating with HR on

information sessions.

  1. Provide staff members with Wellness Interest survey




1. Plan and deliver Nov 2023 and May






Administrative Team





1. Staff survey before and after sessions in November & April





The District will establish system wide Employee Resource Groups that will promote collaboration and understanding, while allowing staff with opportunities to practice self-care.


The district's current mentoring and teacher buddy programs will be expanded to not only provide social interaction and collaboration but also to foster discussions about overall wellness, resulting in a more comprehensive and beneficial experience.


















Staff new to the district (in years 1 and 2) will have the chance to participate in wellness check- ins and information-sharing gatherings, providing valuable opportunities for support and collaboration.






















Major Activities


Indicators of Success


Strategies/Next Steps



Persons Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness







Establish an environment at every school where every student feels safe, welcomed, and respected, has access to academic support, and benefits from an inclusive, academically focused culture.



Establish professional learning to include learning cycles that are personalized, intensive, and ongoing to enhance instructional practice, feedback and reflection for continued growth.

Evidence of enhanced professional learning will be evident in both formal and informal classroom visitations.

Commnicate information to staff/faculty about Flex Option PD requirements and offerings. Ongoing monitoring of staff/faculty completion of PD requirements.

Establish a cycle of collaboration with Instructional Coaches.

Utilize pre/post teacher evaluation conferences to identify PD strategies that have impacted student achievements.




Ongoing throughout the year.





Administrative Team


  1. Memos & communications with PD requirements and offerings.
  2. Agendas and documents from Department & PLC meetings with

the instructional coaches.

  1. Documented pre/post observation conference notes.




Restructure the way mandatory professional development offerings are provided.



Culture of excellence centered on academic achievement, critical thinking, college and career preparedness as evidenced by growth and performance in coursework, including grades, GPA, IEP goals, and language acquisition goals.

Establish a culture for positive relationships where there is acceptance of diveristy and strong character education practices.



  1. Disaggregate and turnkey NJSLA data to PLC groups
  2. Identify targeted standards by subject and grade and have PLC groups create SMART goals

for student achievement.

  1. Establish timelines for review and reporting on progress towards SMART Goals
  2. Ensure that individual teacher SGOs align with targeted standards





Ongoing throughout the year.





Administrative Team

All teaching faculty




  1. Agendas and notes of quarterly data meetings (reviewing

Benchmark data where applicable, students grades & progress towards SMART Goals)

  1. Submission of completed SGOs

Existence of positive teacher-student relationships reflective of effective communication, mutual respect, and high expectations.

School based SMART goals aligned to achievement with actionable steps towards attainment. Specific emphasis on Math and ELA and subgroups.



Utilize multiple opportunties to support student learning including individulaized instruction, peer tutoring, after school help, formative and summative assessments to improve student achievement.

All schools will exhibit positive growth in NJSLA outcomes for mathematics and literacy, aiming to meet or surpass state averages.

  1. After school Homework Club/Bridge Tutoring
  2. Establish and monitor SMART goals.
  3. Analyze benchmark data during PLC time to identify interventions for students.
  4. Ensure I&RS referrals are summitted and students are continually monitored.
  5. Consistently monitor attendance rates and work with school support teams to follow the district attendance


  1. Create attendance plans for studnets who continue to struggle with school attendance, including outside






Ongoing throughout the year.




Administrative Team

All teaching faculty Support staff


  1. Logs of after school tutoring and attendance
  2. Agenda and notes for quaterly data meetings (reviewing Benchmark datat where

applicable, students grades & progres towards SMART Goals)

  1. IR&S agendas and attendance rates.

100% student participation on district benchmark assessments

Decrease in chronic absenteeism aligned with School Performance Report Card minimum threshold.





Major Activities


Indicators of Success


Strategies/Next Steps



Persons Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness










Hire and retain staff for a diverse workforce that reflects and promotes Cherry Hill Public Schools Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programming




Establish a recruitment strategy to attract a wide pool of candidates including partnering with community organizations and colleges/ universities, as well as establishing partnerships to support hard to fill disciplines.


Review and revise interview questions to reflect district values of DEI.






























Review and revise exit interview process to better understand retention rates.

Increase ways to source staffing diversity that more closely represents the student body.

Recruitment, hiring plan, and practices will be presented to the Board through the HR Committee.



Implementation of retention strategies to foster a supportive and inclusive work environment.

Establishment of teams to support teachers at all levels- new, veteran, master

  1. Ensure all teachers new to the building have a mentor/buddy.
  2. SCiP team will provide support on specific topis such as classroom management, curriculum,

etc., as requested by new teachers.

  1. Administrators to meet with new teachers bi- weekly to provide additional support.



  1. Beginning of the year and




Administrative Team

  1. SCIP team members




  1. Agenda and retention rates.

New exit interview process to align with retention goals

Explore opportunities for staff revitalization and rejuvenation through wellness programs.



Explore shared service agreements and partnerships with other school districts or local universities to help fill gaps in specialized classes. (i.e. World Languages)


Deepen opportunities for collaboration and partnership with local colleges and universities.

























Examine possible opportuities for partnership with the Camden County Workforce Development organization.

Engage community partners to provide opportunities for learning extensions and/or experiential learning.

Review recruitment and retention strategies for the School Aged Child Care Program (SACC)


Establish a plan for enhancing the SACC program








Major Activities

Indicators of Success

Strategies/Next Steps




Evidence of Effectiveness












Provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their skills, interests and passions.


Ensure that all students have access to a range of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities that meet their interests with attention to addressing barriers to participation, such as financial constraints, transportation, and scheduling conflicts to ensure equitable access.






Provide staff with support and resources to effectively support students



  1. Provide all new students handouts of after- school clubs that we offer at our school at New

Student Orientation and to new registrants.

  1. Ensure availability of late buses for all afters- school activities.
  2. Assess new interest for clubs and activties.
  3. Advisory reflections at the end of the year to guauge student interest.






Beginning of the year and throughout





Administration Adivisory Teachers

Club Advisors






1. Club advisors provide a roster of student attendance.








Increase student voice regarding the types of extracurricular, co- curricular, or leadership activities offered at their schools including service learning opportunities and those beyond the classroom.






Expansion of experiential learning opportunities for students










  1. Provide a survey via Google Form to advisories on club interests.
  2. Recruit more club advisors and volunteers.






















Administration Club Advisors











1. Survey results of Google Forms.





Expansion of special education resources and information to support families





Major Activities


Indicators of Success


Strategies/Next Steps



Persons Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness








To develop a comprehensive framework that promotes and provides educational opportunities centered on environmental responsibility, resource conservation, and sustainable practices within the district.















Establish partnerships with outside entities to support CHPS sustainable goals















Identify stakeholders to partner with in the establishment of CHPS sustainable goals















1. Create a Green Team as advised by the district.















1. As directed by the district.















Administrative Team