Action 4 Indicators of Success:
- Maintain sign-ins and feedback for all meetings.
- Train staff in Carusi CARES (restorative practices).
- Scheduling of I&E.
Action 6 Indicators of Success:
Student Achievement Goals:
ELA: Meet or surpass year over year growth in NJSLA
Math: Meet or surpass year over year growth in NJSLA
Demographic Groups:
ML: Meet or surpass year over year growth in NJSLA
IEP: Meet or surpass year over year growth in NJSLA
F&R Lunch: Meet or surpass year over year growth in NJSLA
African American: Meet or surpass year over year growth in NJSLA
Latino: Meet or surpass year over year growth in NJSLA
- Students will demonstrate satisfactory growth on all quarterly benchmark assessments.
- Continue to submit quarterly and annual reports aligned with the Title 1 Schoolwide Plan to measure progress toward the district's goals, focusing on both qualitative and quantitative data to showcase success and identify areas for improvement.
- Meet the chronic absenteeism targets as outlined in Carusi schoolwide plan; focus on high absentee months: Dec, Feb, Apr, Jun
Action 9 Indicators of Success:
- Documentation of attendance.
- Student & Parent Feedback.