24 - 25 Smart Goals
GOAL #1 - Student Wellness - Create frameworks of learning and support for all students to develop the skills needed for social and emotional wellness.
- Create a culture of well-being, collaboration and support that prioritizes the health and wellness of teachers and staff.
- Promote a district culture that is equitable, restorative, and inclusive for all students.
- Ensure that all students have equitable access to comprehensive support services that promote their academic success, social-emotional development, and overall well-being.
Major Active
- Schools will provide opportunities for staff to engage in wellness activities (i.e walking club, fitness activities, meditation, yoga, nutrition workshops) with the aim of achieving 70% staff engagement in at least one wellness activity per quarter.
- Implement the G.R.E.A.T. D.R.E.A.M. Keys to Happier Living during monthly faculty meetings and House Family Meetings.
- One PLC per month will be dedicated to team building/wellness
- All students have access to a range of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) supports that meet their individual needs, including mental health services, counseling, medical care, and other services.
- Second Step lessons within each classroom
- PBIS Lessons completed in the month of September
- All schools will provide targeted interventions (e.g. Counseling, mentoring, check in/check out, etc…) for students who are at risk of engaging in disciplinary infractions
Proactive preventative measures implemented to build positive school climates (e.g. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Culturally Responsive Teaching, Restorative Practices)
- Peer counseling from older House Family members to younger house family members
- Morning check-in with counselor for high-risk students
- Students at risk for mental, emotional, or behavioral health challenges are provided with appropriate interventions that support both prevention and early intervention.
- MTSS through I&RS will work on early emotional and/or behavioral interventions for select students.
- Morning check-in for students with specific behavioral challenges
Indicators of Success
- Staff feedback collected through both informal and formal methods will highlight positive trends.
- By May 2025, qualitative feedback will indicate a 70% approval rate for the Great Dream initiative.
- By May 30, 2025 classroom teachers, the guidance counselor, and the principal will successfully complete and implement 80% of the Second Step Lessons in all K-5 classrooms, with progress monitored through monthly check-ins and feedback sessions.
- By May 2025, qualitative feedback from morning check-in will indicate a high level of support for students who receive the service.
- By June 2025, 9 PLC will have been conducted which focus on team building/wellness
GOAL #2 - PURPOSE & PASSION - Develop highly engaging learner-centered experiences within an environment that promotes voice, choice, and passion for learning.
- Develop a strategic communication plan that includes measurable objectives focused on moving the district toward achieving its goals.
- Establish an environment at every school where every student feels safe, welcomed, and respected, has access to academic support, and benefits from an inclusive, academically focused culture.
- Ensure smooth and effective transitions for students receiving special educational services, whether they are moving between levels to attend different buildings for appropriate programs/services or are new enrollees to the district, thereby promoting their academic success and emotional well-being.
Major Active
- Implementation of retention strategies to foster a supportive and inclusive work environment.
- Johnson LMC developed strategies for a more supportive and inclusive work environment.
- PLC will provide additional support and time for critical issues
- All schools will develop goals that are aligned with district goals using the SMART goals format with actionable steps toward attainment. There will be a specific emphasis on Math and English Language Arts (ELA) and subgroup
- Implement Eureka Squared and Amplify CKLA at all grade levels K-5
- Coaching cycles will demonstrate the level of support provided to classroom teachers in the implementation of new curriculum.
- Successful implementation of CKLA and Eureka Squared as demonstrated by lesson plans and unit assessments. Fidelity and integrity will be ensured by close monitoring of classroom instruction in both formal and informal ways.
- Quarterly review of lesson plans in CKLA and Eureka Math Squared.
- Walkthroughs to ensure fidelity to program
Indicators of Success
- New staff PLC three times a year with the principal to check-in on new staff needs and morale. Success is indicated by new teachers reporting high satisfaction with their mentorship experience, with 85% or more rating the mentoring relationship as effective in helping them navigate their first year.
- 20% of third graders that scored in the ‘approaching’ category on the 3rd Grade NJSLA Spring 2024 Math Assessment will move to the ‘meets expectations’ category on the Spring 2025 NJSLA Assessment
- Utilizing the fall second-grade MAZE assessment as the benchmark, 80% of students will grow 10 points or more by the spring assessments of the MAZE
- Demonstrate a 10% decrease in student absenteeism in kindergarten for Hispanic students as developing good attendance habits early is critical to ensure continued success in this area - aligned with the School Performance Report Card.
- Utilizing the fall second-grade MAZE assessment as the benchmark, 80% of African American students will grow 10 points or more by the spring assessments of the MAZE
- 5% of fourth graders that scored in the ‘approaching’ category on the 4th Grade NJSLA Spring 2024 Math Assessment will move to the ‘meets expectations’ category on the Spring 2025 NJSLA Assessment
GOAL #3 - CONNECTING BEYOND our CLASSROOMS - Provide resources, opportunities, and experiences for our students to connect to the world beyond their classrooms and to become informed and empathetic agents of change in the world.
- Implement a comprehensive community relations plan in the 2024-2025 school year to enhance stakeholder involvement and foster a deeper understanding of CHPS's vision and mission, ultimately establishing pride and ownership.
- Provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their skills, interests, and passions.
- To develop a comprehensive framework that promotes and provides educational opportunities centered on environmental responsibility, resource conservation, and sustainable practices within the district.
Major Active
- Empower students to have a voice in the decision-making process regarding the types of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities offered at their school.
- Monthly video updates with the Manner Banner class which will go out to the larger community to provide updates on student learning and activities.
- Student council meetings to promote student voice
- Ensure that all students have access to a range of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities that meet their individual interests and needs, including clubs, sports teams, service organizations, and student government.
- House family monthly meetings to discuss co-curricular activities with the principal
- House cup activities to promote leadership
- Expand experiences beyond the classroom to incorporate climate change education in grades K-12 using an interdisciplinary approach. Through the Sustainability Committee, generate a comprehensive 5-year Sustainability Plan that outlines educational goals, resource conservation best practices, and district and community engagement to guide the district's sustainability efforts.
- LMC to help form a CAST group at Johnson.
- Student council to create opportunities for sustainability ideas and promotion of sustainable practices.
Indicators of Success
- Student Voice initiatives will continue and the student leadership team will work with the principal to provide a voice for students in decision making.
By May 2025, six videos will have been produced and distributed.
By May 2025, seven House Family Meetings will have occurred.
- Creation of a C.A.S.T to better support the district's efforts in the area of sustainability.
By June 2025, Student Council will have completed two initiatives to connect students beyond the classroom through sustainable initiatives or drives to provide support for those outside of our community.