24 - 25 Smart Goals
GOAL #1 - Student Wellness - Create frameworks of learning and support for all students to develop the skills needed for social and emotional wellness.
- Create a culture of well-being, collaboration and support that prioritizes the health and wellness of teachers and staff.
- Promote a district culture that is equitable, restorative, and inclusive for all students.
- Ensure that all students have equitable access to comprehensive support services that promote their academic success, social-emotional development, and overall well-being.
Major Active
- Kilmer will provide opportunities for staff to engage in wellness activities with the aim of achieving 70% staff engagement in at least one wellness activity per quarter.
- We will use PLCs to provide teachers with the time to walk, do yoga, etc. to assist with personal wellness.
- We will dedicate at least one faculty meeting to providing the teachers with strategies to manage stress and ways to prioritize their personal wellness.
- All Kilmer students will have access to a range of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) supports that meet their individual needs, including mental health services, counseling, medical care, and other services.
- The guidance counselor and student advocate will offer small group and individual sessions to support the students.
- Kilmer will utilize proactive preventative measures implemented to build positive school climates (e.g. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Culturally Responsive Teaching.
- During the 24-25 school year, the building based LMC team will implement strategic plans for climate improvement by imploring at least 2 new initiatives in the school year to positively recognize student achievement.
- This recognition will happen through a variety of ways: Wildcat Allstar assemblies to recognize students who go above and beyond the core values nominated by the teachers; tickets or Wildcat Wows given out daily by school staff to students seen demonstrating the core values; and through classroom rewards for exemplary demonstration of the expectations in the APR during lunch, the Pawprints Initiative.
Indicators of Success
Data will be collected September 2024-June 2025 through both informal and formal methods, such as Google Form surveys and qualitative feedback, that will inform whether the staff is feeling less stressed and connecting with students more.
Utilizing the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Indicators of Schoolwide Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Kilmer will complete a quarterly analysis and reflection to assess the implementation of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) protocols. There will be less discipline referrals.
With the increased opportunities to be recognized for displaying expected behaviors, student behavior wi
GOAL #2 - PURPOSE & PASSION - Develop highly engaging learner-centered experiences within an environment that promotes voice, choice, and passion for learning.
- Hire and retain staff for a diverse workforce that reflects and promotes Cherry Hill Public Schools Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practices.
- Develop a strategic communication plan that includes measurable objectives focused on moving the district toward achieving its goals.
- Establish an environment at every school where every student feels safe, welcomed, and respected, has access to academic support, and benefits from an inclusive, academically focused culture.
- Ensure smooth and effective transitions for students receiving special educational services, whether they are moving between levels to attend different buildings for appropriate programs/services or are new enrollees to the district, thereby promoting their academic success and emotional well-being.
Major Active
Kilmer will implement retention strategies to foster a supportive and inclusive work environment.
- The Kilmer leadership team will provide opportunities for our new teachers to meet with the administrators, coaches, and other relevant staff (i.e. ScIP team) during PLC time.
- These check-in opportunities will be offered during the 24-25 school year at least quarterly for 30 mins with new staff to monitor progress and offer support and resources as needed
All schools will develop goals that are aligned with district goals using the SMART goals format with actionable steps towards attainment. There will be a specific emphasis on Math and English Language Arts (ELA) and subgroup performance.
- Students will demonstrate satisfactory growth on district administered benchmark assessments.
- Implementation of research based high yield instructional strategies that support student engagement and academic achievement in both math and ELA.
- At least 2 observations and walkthroughs will be conducted in every classroom in 2024-2025 to ensure that the implementation of the new curriculum is being conducted with fidelity.
- The I & RS team will review attendance at meetings and will utilize NJTSS: sending letters to families and making phone calls to families to assess needs and offer support to reduce chronic absenteeism.
Indicators of Success
The check-ins with the new teachers will help them feel better supported, better equipped, and less stressed, in navigating their new roles.
As a school, in 2023-2024, 33.9% of our Kilmer students met or exceeded grade 3 expectations in ELA. 0% of our MLL students met or exceeded expectations.
In 2024-2025, at least 15% of our MLL students will meet or exceed grade 4 expectations in ELA.
As a school, in 2023-2024, 40.3 % of our Kilmer students met or exceeded grade expectations in Math. 1% of our Kilmer students met or exceeded grade 3 expectations.
In 2024-2025, at least 15% of our MLL students will meet or exceed grade 4 expectations in Math.
In 22-23, 33% of our Kindergarten was chronically absent. We will reduce this number by 10% in 24-25.
GOAL #3 - CONNECTING BEYOND our CLASSROOMS - Provide resources, opportunities, and experiences for our students to connect to the world beyond their classrooms and to become informed and empathetic agents of change in the world.
Implement a comprehensive community relations plan in the 2024-2025 school year to enhance stakeholder involvement and foster a deeper understanding of CHPS's vision and mission, ultimately establishing pride and ownership.
Provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their skills, interests, and passions.
To develop a comprehensive framework that promotes and provides educational opportunities centered on environmental responsibility, resource conservation, and sustainable practices within the district.
Major Active
Empower Kilmer students to have a voice in the decision-making process regarding the types of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities offered at their school.
- We will track the opportunities for students to have a voice in sharing/presenting ideas and leadership roles. This year, we will introduce Wildcat Ambassadors. These students applied in the spring to participate. They are fourth and fifth grade students that presented ways to improve the school.
- During the 24-25 school year, the Ambassadors will have meetings at least quarterly to share ideas. They will also be provided with leadership opportunities to assist with K & new student orientation, give school tours, assist the younger students at dismissal, etc.
Create a Kilmer Sustainability Committee/Green Team, that follows educational goals, resource conservation best practices, and district and community engagement to guide the district's sustainability efforts.
- In 24-25, Kilmer will establish a building climate/sustainability team that will increase the size of the Cherry Hill Action and Sustainability Team.
Indicators of Success
The fourth and fifth grade students will feel more connected to the school community because they will have a voice in decision making opportunities. They will also feel like the leaders of our school with opportunities to assist and guide the younger Wildcats.
Feedback will be collected via hard copy and electronically.
This team will lead the work in developing resources and coordinate at least one activity by June 2025 for our students and staff to become environmentally responsible.
2024-2025 SMART GOALS
GOAL #1 - Student Wellness - Create frameworks of learning and support for all students to develop the skills needed for social and emotional wellness. |
Action |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Create a culture of well-being, collaboration and support that prioritizes the health and wellness of teachers and staff. Promote a district culture that is equitable, restorative, and inclusive for all students. Ensure that all students have equitable access to comprehensive support services that promote their academic success, social-emotional development, and overall well-being. |
Data will be collected September 2024-June 2025 through both informal and formal methods, such as Google Form surveys and qualitative feedback, that will inform whether the staff is feeling less stressed and connecting with students more. Utilizing the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Indicators of Schoolwide Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Kilmer will complete a quarterly analysis and reflection to assess the implementation of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) protocols. There will be less discipline referrals.
With the increased opportunities to be recognized for displaying expected behaviors, student behavior will improve. |
GOAL #2 - PURPOSE & PASSION - Develop highly engaging learner-centered experiences within an environment that promotes voice, choice, and passion for learning. |
Action |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Hire and retain staff for a diverse workforce that reflects and promotes Cherry Hill Public Schools Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practices. Develop a strategic communication plan that includes measurable objectives focused on moving the district toward achieving its goals. Establish an environment at every school where every student feels safe, welcomed, and respected, has access to academic support, and benefits from an inclusive, academically focused culture. Ensure smooth and effective transitions for students receiving special educational services, whether they are moving between levels to attend different buildings for appropriate programs/services or are new enrollees to the district, thereby promoting their academic success and emotional well-being. |
Kilmer will implement retention strategies to foster a supportive and inclusive work environment.
All schools will develop goals that are aligned with district goals using the SMART goals format with actionable steps towards attainment. There will be a specific emphasis on Math and English Language Arts (ELA) and subgroup performance.
The check-ins with the new teachers will help them feel better supported, better equipped, and less stressed, in navigating their new roles. As a school, in 2023-2024, 33.9% of our Kilmer students met or exceeded grade 3 expectations in ELA. 0% of our MLL students met or exceeded expectations. In 2024-2025, at least 15% of our MLL students will meet or exceed grade 4 expectations in ELA. As a school, in 2023-2024, 40.3 % of our Kilmer students met or exceeded grade expectations in Math. 1% of our Kilmer students met or exceeded grade 3 expectations. In 2024-2025, at least 15% of our MLL students will meet or exceed grade 4 expectations in Math. In 22-23, 33% of our Kindergarten was chronically absent. We will reduce this number by 10% in 24-25. |
GOAL #3 – CONNECTING BEYOND our CLASSROOMS - Provide resources, opportunities, and experiences for our students to connect to the world beyond their classrooms and to become informed and empathetic agents of change in the world. |
Action |
Major Activities |
Indicators of Success |
Implement a comprehensive community relations plan in the 2024-2025 school year to enhance stakeholder involvement and foster a deeper understanding of CHPS's vision and mission, ultimately establishing pride and ownership. Provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their skills, interests, and passions. To develop a comprehensive framework that promotes and provides educational opportunities centered on environmental responsibility, resource conservation, and sustainable practices within the district. |
Empower Kilmer students to have a voice in the decision-making process regarding the types of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities offered at their school.
Create a Kilmer Sustainability Committee/Green Team, that follows educational goals, resource conservation best practices, and district and community engagement to guide the district's sustainability efforts.
The fourth and fifth grade students will feel more connected to the school community because they will have a voice in decision making opportunities. They will also feel like the leaders of our school with opportunities to assist and guide the younger Wildcats. Feedback will be collected via hard copy and electronically. This team will lead the work in developing resources and coordinate at least one activity by June 2025 for our students and staff to become environmentally responsible. |