Ensure that all students have access to a range of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities that meet their individual interests and needs, including clubs, sports teams, service organizations, and student government.
- Share Cherry Hill Township Recreation Listings with families via newsletter.
- Kingston PTA/Kingston Faculty to host evening events for children and families.
Empower students to have a voice in the decision-making process regarding the types of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities offered at their school.
- Bulldog Packs will meet >=4x this school year and include activities to provide children voice in decision-making.
- Student leaders participate in a behavior assembly to help teach peers the Bulldog B’s of Behavior
Establish partnerships with outside entities to support Cherry Hill Public Schools Sustainable goals.
Expand experiences beyond the classroom to incorporate climate change education in grades K-12 using an interdisciplinary approach. Through the Sustainability Committee, generate a comprehensive 5-year Sustainability Plan that outlines educational goals, resource conservation best practices, and district and community engagement to guide the district's sustainability efforts.
Establish: Climate Action Sustainability Team
- Kingston will have a re-establish a green team including staff and students.
- Greenteam to build and maintain a garden