GOAL #1 - Student Wellness - Create frameworks of learning and support for all students to develop the skills needed for social and emotional wellness.
Create a culture of well-being, collaboration and support that prioritizes the health and wellness of teachers and staff.
Promote a district culture that is equitable, restorative, and inclusive for all students.
Ensure that all students have equitable access to comprehensive support services that promote their academic success, social-emotional development, and overall well-being.
Develop a Health & Wellness team to plan and organize activities.
Provide opportunities for staff to engage in wellness activities (i.e walking club, fitness activities, meditation, yoga, nutrition workshops) with the aim of achieving 70% staff engagement in at least one wellness activity per quarter.
Continue LMC work related to SCI Survey identified areas of need.
Encourage positive student interactions and student wellness as a priority.
Safety Team Meetings will occur at least 3 times in the school year.
Create a student voice group encompassing a heterogenous group of students to provide input on experiences and programs at Rosa.
Develop a new NJTSS team at Rosa and schedule monthly meetings to review school needs and review supports being offered during the school day.
Decrease founded HIB incidents by 10% from 2023-2024 total of 12.
The team will be created on or before October 1, 2024 and meet at least 4 times during the year to plan and reflect on wellness activities made available to staff.
The administrative team will ensure time is set aside at least once per quarter for staff wellness activities ensuring at least 70% of the staff participate.
Evidence documenting times (i.e. photos, reflections, sign in sheets).
LMC Meeting agendas
Have a team attend and turnkey Restorative Practices
Summary report signed off that all Second Step lessons were delivered.
Utilize advisory for Character Ed and I&E for targeted interventions and enrichment
Safety Team Meeting Notes, Review of HIB trends, and HIB Self-Assessment.
LMC will review Safety Team Report
Plan to address trends from 2023-2024 and any new trends that arise.
The creation of a student voice group on or before November 1, 2024.
Create the NJTSS team on or before September 15, 2024.
Review of I&E program
Agendas from monthly NJTSS meetings
GOAL #2 - PURPOSE & PASSION - Develop highly engaging learner-centered experiences within an environment that promotes voice, choice, and passion for learning.
Develop a strategic communication plan that includes measurable objectives focused on moving the district toward achieving its goals.
Establish an environment at every school where every student feels safe, welcomed, and respected, has access to academic support, and benefits from an inclusive, academically focused culture.
Ensure smooth and effective transitions for students receiving special educational services, whether they are moving between levels to attend different buildings for appropriate programs/services or are new enrollees to the district, thereby promoting their academic success and emotion
Maintain and support growth in ongoing programs (LEAD, Through the Eyes of a Friend, etc.).
Form Affinity Groups (i.e. LGBTQ+, Latinos Unidos, African American Club, Asian American Club).
Development of new clubs
Advertisements for new clubs
Create a Student Voice group encompassing a heterogenous group of students to provide input on experiences and programs at Rosa.
Utilize the NJTSS Committee to analyze attendance data and ensure that is not an issue preventing academic achievement.
Scheduled dates and documentation of Bridge Tutoring
Have at least two meetings with CHSEPTA leadership
Realize an increase in total of all 7th and 8th grade students taking ELA to 76% performing at a level 4 or above for the Spring 2025 ELA NJSLA (currently at 73%)
Realize an increase in level 3 or above performance by 10% for students with IEPs in grades 7 & 8 for the Spring 2025 Mathematics NJSLA.
(currently at 50%)
GOAL #3 - CONNECTING BEYOND our CLASSROOMS - Provide resources, opportunities, and experiences for our students to connect to the world beyond their classrooms and to become informed and empathetic agents of change in the world.
Develop a strategic communication plan that includes measurable objectives focused on moving the district toward achieving its goals.
Establish an environment at every school where every student feels safe, welcomed, and respected, has access to academic support, and benefits from an inclusive, academically focused culture.
Ensure smooth and effective transitions for students receiving special educational services, whether they are moving between levels to attend different buildings for appropriate programs/services or are new enrollees to the district, thereby promoting their academic success and emotional well-being
Encourage students to participate in extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities that meet their individual interests and needs, including clubs, sports teams, service organizations, and student government.
Establish Rosa’s School-wide CAST (Climate Action and Sustainability Team)/Green Team and apply for Sustainable Jersey for School Certification Program.
Rosa’s Student CAST will work with the CHEB (Cherry Hill Environmental Board) and district CAST to implement district wide native pollinator garden project.
Provide support to district CAST groups in service of meeting our district sustainability goals.
Meet with student voice group to have a voice in the decision-making process regarding the types of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities offered at their school.
Participation in district climate change native garden project.
Climate Change community outreach programs.
Cross- content climate change pollinator project.
Participate in Community climate learning collaboration with Stockton University and the Cherry Hill Environmental Board.
Have Rosa representation on the the Cherry Hill Action and Sustainability Team
Incorporate student choices and preferences for activities at school
Realize an increase in student participation in extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities by 5% year-over-year