24 - 25 Smart Goals
GOAL #1 - Student Wellness - Create frameworks of learning and support for all students to develop the skills needed for social and emotional wellness.
Create a culture of well-being, collaboration and support that prioritizes the health and wellness of teachers and staff.
Promote a district culture that is equitable, restorative, and inclusive for all students.
Ensure that all students have equitable access to comprehensive support services that promote their academic success, social-emotional development, and overall well-being.
Major Active
- Through the LMC, staff members will be provided with monthly professional development workshops on stress management, mindfulness, and personal well-being during faculty and /or department meetings with the aim of increasing the number of staff reporting decreased stress levels by the end of the academic year.
- Administer the NJSCI Survey in Spring 2025
- Staff will be provided with opportunities to engage in wellness activities throughout the year. Continued use of the Staff Morale committee to promote activities.
- The School Climate Team will be intimately involved with creating the restorative practices discipline policy that includes planning work from the summer for the school: Three Before E-23.
- All staff will be trained in referring students to the I&RS teams for academic success (NJTSS) and how to provide Tier 1 support in the classroom.
- Grade Level and I&RS teams will act upon the NJTSS to address patterns of chronic absenteeism and tardiness, utilizing restorative practice measures. Grade Level teams work with a consistent application of gradual consequences while counseling students on methods to improve attendance.
- In 2022-2023, 19.3% of students were deemed chronically absent. Credit hearings will be held to address class absences.
- Student referrals to the Transitional Coach or equivalent program for students who may need additional SEL and overall well-being (if grant is approved to provide services at West)
- Student referrals to ESS program for students who may need additional SEL support (priority is given to students with an IEP)
- Peer Leaders Program working with 9th graders during Homeroom for the first semester
- Ninth grade positive behavior program for exhibiting West norms - tickets and reward system.
Indicators of Success
- Building administrators will conduct wellness check surveys to evaluate staff stress levels and well-being at each department meeting using a Google Form
- Increase in all areas on the Climate and Culture Survey from the first administration during 2022-23.
- Participation in wellness activities through sign-ins and feedback forms.
- Reduced number of disciplinary conducts going to the administrator level; increased communication with parents/guardians; increased level of support from counselors/student advocates
- Reduction in incidents of bullying in disciplinary actions by 10% compared to the previous year
- Reduction in absenteeism; increased identification/correlations between absenteeism and academic success.
- Increased communication between grade level offices and home to support school attendance.
- For 2024-2025 we aim to reduce chronically absenteeism numbers by 10% from the prior year.
- Increased use of remediation programs: seminar courses, study skills, and student advocates
- Caseload will be consistently monitored and students will be added for consideration throughout the year.
- Students are able to receive support from the ESS program.
- Through ongoing discussion and surveys with their mentors and peer leaders, 9th graders feel more comfortable with their start to high school, and receive important skills, tips and strategies from their older Peer Leader Classmates.
GOAL #2 - PURPOSE & PASSION - Develop highly engaging learner-centered experiences within an environment that promotes voice, choice, and passion for learning.
Develop a strategic communication plan that includes measurable objectives focused on moving the district toward achieving its goals.
Hire and retain staff for a diverse workforce that reflects and promotes Cherry Hill Public Schools Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practices
Establish an environment at every school where every student feels safe, welcomed, and respected, has access to academic support, and benefits from an inclusive, academically focused culture.
Ensure smooth and effective transitions for students receiving special educational services, whether they are moving between levels to attend different buildings for appropriate programs/services or are new enrollees to the district, thereby promoting their academic success and emotional well-being.
Major Active
- ELA and Math departments will use a data-informed approach to identify instructional strategies (Kylene Beers, Science of Reading, and Pre-AP frameworks) and targeted interventions to support demographic groups who are historically under-served.
- ELA and Math departments will work with instructional coaches and teacher leaders to align data analysis with instructional practices, supporting PLCs and department groups in creating SMART goals, identifying cohorts of students in need of remediation and specific supports: study skills, seminar courses, tutoring.
- Data Summits in ELA & Math departments
- Participate in job fairs and connect with local colleges and universities to identify potential new hires.
- New hires are assigned mentors and buddies and are provided with time prior to each faculty meeting to connect.
- Weekly update newsletter provided to parents keeping them informed of the ongoings of school activities, upcoming events and school based highlights.
- Monthly Zoom meetings with High School West Parents and West SPED Parent Representatives.
- Monthly Student Advisory Committee will connect student voice into decision-making processes.
- Maintain HS West Social Media Platforms
- LMC teams will collaborate with building administration to plan professional learning opportunities for staff
- Provide regularly built in PLC time for tested subject areas in teacher schedules
- Students in the “bubble” will be recommended to be placed in the seminar classes.
- Additional support provided by Title I Math teacher to students who performed below proficiency in math on standardized tests
- Additional hiring of Secondary Math Coach to support teachers in all content areas and guiding teachers through data analysis and targeted interventions based on NJSLA data
- During Data Summit meetings for ELA/Math, teachers will be reviewing individual student data and provide targeted interventions
- MTSS teams will assist with providing targeted Tier 2 & 3 interventions for students who are approaching expectations on NJSLA assessments in math
- Establish clear communication channels between families, teachers, case managers, and service providers to ensure all stakeholders are informed of transition plans, timelines, and expectations.
- Create and implement tailored transition plans for each student receiving special education services, focusing on their unique academic, social, and emotional needs.
- Facilitate Seamless Coordination Between Special Education Providers - improving the handoff process between special education teams, both within the district and across different buildings.
- Monitor Student Progress Post-Transition
- Track students' academic and emotional well-being during the first months after transitioning to new programs or buildings, and adjust as needed through regular check-ins with students, parents, and teachers to assess progress.
- Provide Professional Development for Staff on Supporting Transitions
Indicators of Success
- Meet or surpass year over year overall growth in graduation ready assessments in ELA & Math.
- Meet or surpass year over year growth in graduation ready assessments in African American and Hispanic/Latino demographic subgroups.
- Utilize exit interviews to identify areas in need of support for improved retention.
- Gather feedback through surveys from mentors, buddies, and new hires related to supportive measures integrated, time for collaboration, and level of support.
- Record of meetings with LMC, liaison, parents, and survey results
- Increased engagement with parents in the school community; address their concerns in a positive way.
- Students provide feedback to the Principal about school initiatives and provide potential assistance on addressing concerns
- Students are provided with academic support as evidenced by individualized instruction, peer tutoring by NHS, and after-school HW Club programs
- Students will demonstrate satisfactory growth on district-administered benchmark assessments.
- 90% student participation on district benchmark assessments.
- SMART goals created, monitored, and evaluated by PLCs in tested areas - ongoing data analysis.
- Individualized targeted interventions with students provided by teachers and Title I Math teacher
- Continued growth in proficiency levels from middle school to high school
- Regular transition meetings will be held with parents, students, and educators before moving between buildings or making service changes.
- PRISE - Provide families with a comprehensive transition packet outlining services, support, and contact information for new teams.
- Ensure IEP teams convene to adjust goals and services before transitioning to different buildings or programs.
- Identify support for academic success and emotional well-being, such as peer mentors, orientation activities, or additional counseling services
- Integrate a data analysis process on student performance and well-being to identify areas for additional support.
- Increase number of staff trained on strategies to facilitate successful transitions, including social-emotional and academic support - including coaching.
GOAL #3 - CONNECTING BEYOND our CLASSROOMS - Provide resources, opportunities, and experiences for our students to connect to the world beyond their classrooms and to become informed and empathetic agents of change in the world.
Implement a comprehensive community relations plan in the 2024-2025 school year to enhance stakeholder involvement and foster a deeper understanding of CHPS's vision and mission, ultimately establishing pride and ownership.
Provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their skills, interests, and passions.
To develop a comprehensive framework that promotes and provides educational opportunities centered on environmental responsibility, resource conservation, and sustainable practices within the district.
Major Active
- Career Day and Activities Fair for students - connecting students with partnership and opportunities
- Internships provided for students with our community partners
- Junior students develop and initiate service learning projects to support problems and programs in the greater community.
- Performing arts programs and performances connect students to a variety of community partners, gaining valuable performance experiences.
- Peer Leaders work with the 9th graders to help them understand life at HS West
- NHS students organize and provide tutoring for all students at HS West
- DECA, ROTC, and Culinary students are engaged in ongoing community-connections and service-based learning experiences.
- Unified Sports programs in Track and Bowling; plus Gen Ed students involved with SPED students in Health and PE
- Ensure that all students have access to a range of extracurricular, co-curricular, or leadership activities that meet their interests with attention to addressing barriers to participation, such as financial constraints, transportation, and scheduling conflicts to ensure equitable access.
- Research in Science - students contribute research about environmental topics
- Partner with Sustainable Jersey and create Green Teams in each building.
- Continue to establish a 5 year District Sustainability Plan through the Sustainability Committee. This plan will include:*Goals,*Best Practices and *District and Community Engagement plans to support sustainability efforts
Indicators of Success
- We will see an increase in the number of students involved in clubs, sports, performing arts, or leadership activities is a strong indicator of success.
- Diverse Range of Clubs and Activities: Growth in the variety of clubs and extracurricular programs to meet students' evolving interests.
- Data will show us a positive correlation between students’ involvement in extracurricular activities and their academic performance or growth in related subjects.
- We should see an increase in the number of student-led projects or initiatives, such as service-learning projects or community events, that impact the school or the broader community.
- Student satisfaction through participating in the Unified programs
- Higher Student Participation in Activities: Increase in the number of students involved in clubs, sports, and special interest groups.
- Identify stakeholders to partner with in the establishment of CHPS sustainable goals
- Document partnerships with local businesses or environmental organizations that were created as a result of the initiatives. Highlight successful community projects or contributions to local conservation efforts.