• The clarinet has a single, flat piece of wood (reed) attached to a hollow mouthpiece. The instrument itself is made of wood. It has a remarkable range from low to high sounds and from loud to soft. Must be rented or purchased from a music company. Good for those students who did well with the recorder in elementary music. Students who are double-jointed are NOT good candidates for the clarinet.

    Unlike the oboe, the clarinet uses a “single reed” and a mouthpiece to produce the sound. Willingness to purchase or rent a director-recommended clarinet is a MUST! Unfortunately, there are some clarinets on the market whose poor design and craftsmanship will make it next to impossible for your student to succeed. We can help you avoid that pitfall.

    Physical Characteristics
    One necessity of clarinet tone production is the ability to make the chin flat. Orthodontia is okay, but if a student has an extremely rounded bottom row of teeth, the mouthpiece will be hard to place in the proper position for tone production.

    Other Considerations
    Instruction in clarinet can be meticulous. Students who are able to focus on and perform a detailed series of instructions could do well on clarinet. Students who have difficulty remembering a series of instructions should avoid playing clarinet. Clarinet players are also responsible for maintaining a
    working stock of 4-6 quality reeds.

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